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"Thanks for being patient everyone, Welcome to Zevil island!"

Mika groaned as he woke up to hear a voice that he seriously loathed. Leorio appeared to be sleeping so Mika gently tapped him on the shoulder. When he didn't wake up he flicked Leorio's forehead.

"What was that for!?"

"Well you weren't waking up"

Leorio grumbled but shut up as the guide gave instructions.

"You will be disembarking in the order you completed the third to the shortest to the longest. You'll go ashore one at a time with a two minute interval separating each of the applicants alright! You'll be on the island exactly one week! That means you only have seven days to collect your six points and then return to this location. First applicant! Get ready to disembark now!"

Hisoka stepped out and onto the mini bridge connecting the boat and shore, then disappeared into the thick green of the island.

"That's two minutes, the second person may go!"

'Don't fail,don't fail,dont fail'

Mika stopped leaning on Leorio and slowly walked to the green lands, he was quick to hide in the trees as another participant got off the boat. His leg was healing quite well, though it hurt like hell, no man should have to endure such pain while going to trials that plan your death.



Mika decided it'd be best to find a water source more than anything so he settled on a high, very high tree branch and signaled his reptile friends to find a nearby pond or river. He soon stooped down to the island grounds and gathered various medical herbs. He managed to make his own medicine and put them on each scratch on his body. Only the scratches could heal with such simple medicine.

Mika's snakes finally returned after about five hours, he had been collecting a couple of long branches and making an replacement crutch for his injured leg. He had also found a few wild animals in which he killed and took the meat. It was getting dark when his snakes arrived, they had informed him that there was a river far to the left. Mika gathered all of his stuff and preferred to walk rather than sneakily climb the trees to his destination. He was not about to permanently damage his leg, he'd rather keep it.



Mika found a rather nice river with fresh water, it was a small river and appeared to widen more to the right but it was sufficient for basic survival needs. Mika managed to make fire to feed himself and rewarded his reptile friends, of course they preferred the meat raw. After he had eaten, he climbed up one of the bushiest trees and sleep on one of the logs long and strong enough for his weight. It was quite comfortable, the moonlight shined brightly but with how many leaves we're around, no light was seen from the area which made it much more comfortable. Mika fell asleep as his snakes explored the natural habitat, it was rather close to home to them so they were having much more fun exploring than sleeping.~


Day 2

Mika really wasn't feeling in the mood for hunting or killing, he just wanted to rest, but of course he had to watch out for someone going for his throat, though he was sure the snakes would take care of it. Maybe he should stalk Hisoka, though that thought was a bit weird he had actually considered it for a couple of minutes. While he was laying in his sleeping spot where the sun doesn't hit as harsh, a whole group of red and pack of butterflies suddenly started surrounding his wounds and gently fluttering around them. Mika just let them, he just watched as the crowded around him and some died from touching his blood. It was poison after all. Not exactly effective on skin though, but they were merely bugs so it just made sense for them to die.
Eventually the flock of butterflies left to trail onto another human being.

Hisoka x Male oc (hxh x oc) Deadly python Where stories live. Discover now