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"The first match! Hanzo versus Gon! Enter!"

Mika sat instead of stood, the less strain he put on his leg the better. Gon and the Hanzo guy stepped forward and met in the middle.

"I'm Masta, I'll be serving as referee for the tournament. Good luck"

"Hey good to see you again"*Baldie*


"You were the one who was tailing me around during the fourth faze."

"You noticed that did you?"

"Naturally. I assume that each of the examiners was assigned an examiner to follow. Well I'm sure I wasn't the only one who noticed"

Was he? No. Mika sensed them at first but literally forgot they were there five minutes later. It's not like they were there to kill him so he had nothing to worry about.
Kurapika and Killua noticed too, but Mika wasn't sure if Gon and Leorio did.

"Now moving on, I have a question. We can only win if our opponent surrenders. Correct? Knocking the unconscious doesn't count, No TKOs either."

"Right, those are the rules"

"Time to start! BEGIN!"

Gon started by sprinting off to the right and trying to distance himself. Ninja dude was it having that, man's appeared right in front of him like a banshee. He karate chopped Gon right in the nape.


Mika scooted over to Leorio and and hid behing his leg, trying to stop himself from watching but still failing.

Hanzo lifted Gon up from his shoulders and band them in a weird stretching manned. Gon say frozen unable to do anything. Mika pressed his forehead on leorios calf and blocked his own vision. Seriously not wanting to see Gon get hurt any further. Mika was wrong about the naive, right about the stupid but he added another word into the mix. Merciless bastard and cocky bitch. Though not like Mika was better than that.
—-There he was, trying to talk Gon into giving up. Mika knew that would seriously never happen. Literally nothing could drive over the determination of that boy.

Hanzo smacked Gon's head several times and kicked him in the stomach when the boy fell. He would try his best to get up every time just for the bald headed bozo to knock him down over and over.

Leorio kept arguing over getting Gon to quit and have more of a possibility to survive and not giving in. Though Mika, he seriously couldn't watch the fight. Yeah he's even more merciless than the ninja, but he couldn't stand watching Gon get hurt so much.

A series of blows kept and kept going. Mika looked over at Hisoka for a second and he wasn't even watching. As is he refuse to watch, dissatisfied with his head turned to the right, arms crossed in the sassiest manner. Mika found it very cute, to see Hisoka refusing to watch the fight. Though Mika couldn't force himself to smile while hearing Gon puke multiple times. It had been three whole hours, the heartless side of Mika was getting tremendously bored, and the caring side of Mika was growing with worry.
At this point, Leorio was growing violent and Bodyguards had to hold him back from interfering the fight.

"It's ok... Leorio,"
Gon trembled as he tried to find his balance. His breath was forced as he spoke, the burning in his lungs would not stop

"This is... This is nothing..really. I can still fight..him"

Honzo kicked Gon and made him fall after he said that. Then positioned his hands on his shoulder blade.

"I'll break your arm"

Mika stood up and took several steps back and started walking in circles. Sometimes even twirling too. He was truly trying his best to be distracted. He stood by a near by metal pole that appeared to be placed there out of nowhere. It was right at the scene of the fight though, first row seats really. Where Leorio and Kurapika had been standing. Some participants looked at Mika with confusion but overall minded their own business. Hisoka was too busy on being sassy to notice.

Hisoka x Male oc (hxh x oc) Deadly python Where stories live. Discover now