Chapter 13: Alien Vs. Predator part 7

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Naruto continues crawling through the maze. Then, he finds the way out. He exits out of the maze, and looks around. He doesn't see anything yet. He looks back, and sighs sadly, remembering what just happened back there. Miller and Verheiden had kids. And he knows they're all gonna grow up without fathers. It makes him sad. He doesn't know what to think, and he has a feeling that this whole thing is suicide from the start. He sees that he's in a hallway. Then, suddenly, he hears somebody coming. He turns around, and sees the rest of the others. Price, Gaz, Lex, Sebastian, Weyland, Max, and the other two soldiers. He sighs in relief, and walks to them.

Naruto: Pops.

Price: Naruto! (Puts his hand on his shoulder) Thank god you're okay.

Lex: What happened? Where's Miller, and Verheiden? 

Naruto: We got ambushed by something. So did Connors and the other guy. They're all gone. They took them. 

Weyland: What ambushed you? That thing?

Naruto: I don't know what I saw. It looked like a huge snake. Pops, we need to get out of here and bring back the heavy equipment. 

Price: You're right. Gaz, cover the rear. 

Gaz: Yes, sir.

They all move on. They come to a big room with two statues of the figure ahead of them. They shine their flashlights all around to look around. They don't see anything all around. Then, a clatter noise is heard. They all turn, and see Mr. Weyland leaning against a pillar, panting. One of the weapons is on the floor. Lex and Naruto walk up to him.

Lex: Weyland. You okay?

Weyland: Yeah. I'm fine. (Picks up the weapon) 

Lex: Leave it. It can only slow us down. 

Weyland: Too much has been lost to leave here with nothing. 

Lex: Give it to me. 

She turns around, and Weyland puts it in her pack. Naruto sighs as he shoulders one of his weapons. He then gets the feeling that someone or something is watching them. He looks around as Price looks at him.

Price: What is it, Fox?

Naruto: Pops, we're not alone in here.

Just then, one of the soldiers scream as he gets pulled in the darkness. Everyone looks. They hear choking, and then a loud crunch noise. Naruto cocks his weapon, and aims it at the darkness. Price and Gaz join him as they aim their weapons too. Just then, something shoots out towards Max. It's a net. It launches at him, and he gets sent back towards a stone table. He grunts as he holds his weapon up. Everyone runs to him as they look around.

Weyland: Max! Max!

Naruto reaches, and touches the net to try and pull it off him. Weyland helps him out. But then, they both yell in pain as they move their hands out. They both look at their gloves, and they see they have been cut. Naruto looks down, and he sees that the net is getting tighten by two compartments that is attached to the table. Max is feeling the net cutting him. He continues holding the gun up to hold it. 

Lex: Hold on.

Sebastian and Gaz take out their knifes to cut the net. But as they do, the knifes break before they could cut. Max looks behind them.

Max: Look out!

They all turn around, and they see the warrior figure coming towards them. Lex swings her ice-ax at it, but it hits her away. Naruto aims his weapon at it, but it knocks it out of his hands, and knocks him towards Lex. He lands by her. He groans in pain. He looks up, and sees it choking Sebastian after knocking down Weyland, Price, Gaz, and the other soldier. Max is shrieking in pain as the net is now cutting him. It cuts through the gun as it breaks the light on it. The warrior then takes out a spear. It extracts, and then, it stabs Max through his chest, finishing him off. It continues choking Sebastian. Naruto looks around, and he spots his other gun by Lex's ice-ax. He runs to it to pick it up. But then, he spots something at him. It kicks him away from the gun. He hits the pillar, and lands on Lex. They both groan as they lay on the ground. They both look up, and see that the figure is almost like invisible, but mostly camouflage. It looks at them as it growls. Then, it extracts a claw from its wrist. They both lean against the pillar, knowing it's gonna kill them both. Just then, Naruto sees a long black tail behind it. And before it could stab one of them, the tail stabs it through the chest. They both just watch as the tail lefts up the camouflage figure. It goes out of camouflage, revealing another warrior figure. 

Naruto: Two of them...?

The tail then turns the warrior around, facing of where the tail is coming from. Coming out of a hole in the darkness, is one of those things that attacked Naruto and his group earlier. Naruto and Lex watch as it looks at the dying warrior. It hisses as it drools a lot. It opens its mouth as the warrior looks at it. Then, a mouth tongue-jaw comes out of its mouth, and it impales through the warrior's face, killing it. Naruto and Lex both grunt as green slime blood oozes down on the ground. Naruto hears the other one growling. He turns around, and sees it looking at the creature killing its comrade. It lets go of Sebastian, and extracts its claws out as the creature throws away the dead warrior. The other warrior runs at it as it screeches at it. It jumps at it, and it tackles it down on the floor, destroying another stone table. Everyone watches them fight each other. Naruto and Lex get up. They both run to the others. Naruto helps up Price, Gaz, and the other soldier. They, Lex, and Sebastian help up Mr. Weyland, and they all run out of the room as the fight continues on. Naruto turns around, and he sees the warrior kicking the serpent off it. It slams through a pillar. He flinches at that, knowing that did hurt. It screeches as it rolls around. 

Price: Naruto, what are you doing?! Come on!

Naruto then spots his gun, and picks it up. He runs up the steps to catch up with the others. He turns around one more time, and see them going at it again. As Naruto runs up the steps, he hears loud banging noises from behind. He knows that the fight is gonna be a tough one. Just then, he hears the screeching from the serpent echoing in the air ducts around. He continues running with the others, and they come up to more steps as they carry Mr. Weyland. He's coughing. 

Lex: Come on. 

Sebastian: What were those things? 

Lex: You tell me. You're the pyramid expert. 

Weyland: I've got to stop. I've go to stop.

They all stop on the steps, and lay him down on the steps. They all pant as they sit down. Naruto keeps an eye out for anything. 

Lex: Take it easy, Weyland. Weyland. Look at me. Look at me. You have to slow your breathing down. Slow, steady breaths. 

Weyland does what she says. Naruto looks at Price.

Naruto: Jeez. Pops, did you see those things? 

Price: Yes, I did. But keep your voice down. They're not human, and they're not friendly. 

Gaz: This is bad, sir. We're the only ones left now. 

Lex: Weyland, come on. (Tries to help him up)

Weyland: I can hardly stand. 

Lex: Weyland, I'm not gonna let you die down here. 

Weyland: You didn't. (Coughing)

Sebastian: There's another one!

Everyone looks, and they spot another warrior coming at them. 

Gaz: We have to go. Now! 

Lex: Weyland. 

Sebastian: Come with us. 

Weyland: Sebastian, Price, get them out of here. Now! 

Naruto: Weyland. 

Price: Come on.

Weyland: Run!

They all run up the steps as Weyland stays behind to try and slow down the warrior. Naruto looks back, and sees him holding an ice-ax to defend himself. Naruto continues running up the steps, and they all run through another hallway. They run for a minute, and then, they hear Mr. Weyland screaming in the distance. They all look back, and then it's all silence. They all look down, and continue running. 

Here's the 13th chapter of Naruto: Soldier of earth and time. I'm glad I'm working on this story again. And to those who like my Naruto and Mortal Kombat story, it's gonna have to wait. I want to finish this part of the story. Let me know what you all think of the chapter. Vote, review, and comment. Thank you.    

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