Chapter 3: Blackout

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At the base, Naruto and the team is sitting down at a table. They all look at the monitors and they see a soldier executing a man. 

Gaz: Captain Price, Al-Asad just executed President Al-Fulani on national television. 

Price: The Americans have plans for Al-Asad. And it's too late to do anything for Al-Fulani. But in less than three hours, code-name Nikolai will be executed along with his young team. 

Soap: Nikolai, sir?

Price: Nikolai is our informant in the Ultranationlist camp. He supplied the intel on the cargo ship operation. Nikolai and his team are in heck right now. We're gonna walk them out...we take care of our friends. Let's move. 

All: Yes, sir. 

They all get up from the table to go get ready for the mission. 

Day 2- 01:31:28. Caucasus Mountains, Russia. Corporal Naruto "Fox" Uzumaki. 22nd Sas regiment. 

The team are in a swallow river. They look ahead of them and see some houses and docks by the river. Price looks at his team.

Price: The loyalists are expecting us half a click to the north. Move out.

Gaz: Loyalists, sir? Are those the good Russians or the bad Russians? 

Price: Well, they won't shoot at us on sight, if that's what you're asking. 

Gaz: Yeah, well that's good enough for me, sir. 

Naruto: Me too. 

Soap: Me three. 

They all move up to the first house. They see some guards on the dock. 

Price: Weapons free. 

They aim at them and take them all down quietly. 

Price: Good work. There should be a few more guard posts up ahead. Kamarov and his men will be waiting for us in a field to the northeast. 

They move forward in the water. They pass by the house and come up to more houses. They go under a bridge. Naruto looks up as he hears some vehicles driving on the bridge. They walk up to the next house and stand by it. Naruto peaks inside and sees two men inside. 

Naruto: There's two of them inside. 

Gaz: Soap, plant some claymores in front of the door, them get their attention. 

Soap nods and he takes out some of his claymores and plant them in front of the door. He knocks on the wall. The two men inside hear it and they walk out. Just then, the sensors of the claymores sense them and explode, killing them. The explosions wake up the other men in the other house. They run out to see what's going on. Naruto spots them and shoots them down. 

Naruto: Goodnight. 

Price gives him thumbs up and they move through the third house. They look around for the back door and find it. Price opens it and they all walk out of the house and enter the backyard. As they do, Price sniffs the air. 

Price: Gaz, smell that? 

Gaz: (Sniffs) Yeah. Kamarov. 

Just then, a Russian soldier comes out of hiding with his hand up. It's Kamarov. Just then, his men come out of hiding too.

Kamarov: Welcome to the new Russia, Captain Price. (Looks at Naruto) Naruto, my boy. Look at you. You're a grown man already. 

Naruto: (Smiles) Hello, Kamarov. 

Price: What's the target, Kamarov? We've got an informant to recover, along with his team. 

Kamarov: (Points at the hill) Bm21s on the other side of the hill. Their rockets have killed hundreds of civilians in the valley below. (Walks)

Naruto: Soldier of earth and time. Naruto x massive haremحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن