Chapter 1: F.N.G.

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Ten years later, Credenhill, UK. Corporal Naruto "Fox" Uzumaki, 22nd SAS Regiment

For the past ten years, Price and his men trained and taught Naruto. He has gotten good and smart. He even learned how to drive and fly. Price, Gaz and the team are very proud of him. And they're glad that they have found him. They have gotten themselves a new born soldier. Naruto looks at Price like a father figure. Right now, they've got some Intel. They're in a room, talking.

Gaz: Good news first: the world's in great shape. We've got a civil war in Russia, government loyalists against Ultranationlist rebels, and 15000 nukes at stake. 

Price: Just another day at the office. 

Gaz: Khaled Al-Asad. Currently the second most powerful man in the Middle East. Now word on the street is he's got the minerals to be top down down there. Intel's keeping an eye on him. 

Naruto: And the bad news? 

Gaz: We've got a new guy joining us today fresh out of Selection. His name's Soap. 

Naruto looks at Price and he looks at him. They both nod. Naruto gets up from the chair and he heads to his room to get ready for the day. He walks in to get dressed. He looks at the mirror. His whisker scars are still on his face. His hair is short now. He still hasn't forgotten his family, and he'll never forget what they did to him. He just wishes they could have done more for him before he left them. Sometimes, he wonders how they're all doing. He finishes changing and leaves his room. He walks to where Price is at. Naruto looks and sees the new guy, Soap is training and doing the cargo-ship solo test. Soap finishes. 

Price: Pretty good, Soap. But I've seen better. Climb up the ladder if you want another go. Otherwise come over to the monitors for a debrief. 

Soap walks to them as Naruto joins them. 

Price: Gentlemen, the cargoship mission to a go. Get yourselves sorted out. Wheels up at 0200. Dismissed.

All: Yes, sir. 

As the men leave the room, Naruto looks at Soap. 

Naruto: Hello, Soap. I'm Corporal Naruto Uzumaki. Call me Fox. 

Soap: Nice to meet you too, Fox. I'm John "Soap" Mactavish.

They both shake hands as Price watches with his arms crossed. After that, they all go to their rooms to get all rested up for their mission.       

Naruto: Soldier of earth and time. Naruto x massive haremМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя