Chapter 6: Safehouse

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Everyone gathers in the briefing room. They just got winded of hearing what happened in the Middle East. 30,000 U.S Marines were killed. Al-Asad set a nuclear bomb in the city and it went off, killing the marines. 

Yumi: My gosh, all those people...

Nikolai: The man is a coward, Captain Price. Al-Asad would never sacrifice himself. There is a safehouse in Azerbaijan that Al-Asad used in the past. I am sending you the coordinates. 

Price: Understood Nikolai. Gaz, assemble the team. We're going to Azerbaijan. 

Gaz: Yes sir. I hear it's lovely this time of the year.

Naruto frowns as he looks at the monitor of the news. It shows pictures of the dead marines. Aelita hides her face on his shoulder from the sight. He wraps his arm around her. They all leave the room to go and get ready for the mission. Naruto knows this in his mind. Al-Asad will pay for this.

Day 4-02:00:38. Northern Azerbaijan. Corporal Naruto "Fox" Uzumaki, 22nd SAS Regiment. 

The team stands by a gas station. As they do, Naruto hears shouting, yelling, screaming and gunshots from a distance. He frowns as he hears this. Just then, someone ahead of them in the gas station blinks his flashlight at them. 

Price: There's Kamarov's man. Let's go. 

They all follow Price as he walks to the man. 

Russian Loyalist: Al-Asad is in the village. The Ultranationalists are protecting him. 

Price: Perfect. Move out. 

They all follow the Russian up the hill above the gas station and head for the village. As they do, they continue hearing the screams, shouts and shots. 

Gaz: What the heck's going on up there? 

Russian Loyalist: It's the Ultranationalists. They're killing the villagers. 

Naruto: Yeah well, not for long they're not. 

They continue running up the hill. They see the houses ahead. Just then, a machine gunner in a bedroom window open fires on the team. They all jump down into cover. Soap aims and fires back. The gunner gets shot in the eye. He falls down on the floor. Then, more enemies arrive and the fight begins. Naruto and Soap sneak up another hill to a church. They both take down the men behind the wooden fence. Naruto stays outside while Soap runs inside the church. He climbs up the ladder to the tower. He fires from there. 

Price on radio: Soap! Call in air support on that building! 

Soap: Yes, sir. 

He takes out a radio and calls in the attack coordinates. 

Havoc pilot on radio: Mosin 2-5 here. We're on the way. Standby for air support. 

Everyone watches as a helicopter comes in. It open fires on the house. They all hear the men inside screaming or groaning in pain as they get shot. 

Havoc pilot on radio: This is 2-5. We have to refuel and rearm. We will not be available for some time. 

The helicopter leaves. Naruto goes inside the house to check it out. He checks downstairs, upstairs and the basement, and he doesn't find Al-Asad anywhere.

Naruto: Building clear. No sign of Al-Asad. Move on.

Price: Jeremy, you and your friends head to the next house, but be careful.

Jeremy nods. He and his friends move to the next house. More men try to stop them. They duck down behind a metal fence. They fire blindly. William takes out a grenade. He pulls the pin and tosses it. Everyone ducks their heads and it explodes, killing some of them. They're by a burning and destroyed house. They walk pass it and approach the house. A soldier sneaks up behind them and tries to shoot them. Ulrich hears him and throws his knife at him. The knife hits the soldier in the face. He falls down on the ground. Ulrich walks to him and pulls out the knife. William, Yumi and Odd enter the house. They all take down the men inside. They look around the place and don't see their target. 

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