Chapter 8: Alien vs Predator part 2

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The ship has made it to the island. Everyone is getting ready as they all put on heavy coats, winter pants, winter boots and gloves. They also pack up and stalk up their gear and equipment. Naruto sits on a chair as he gears up. Just then, Lex comes in. 

Lex: Everybody listen up! Gather round. 

Miller: (To Sebastian) Told you she'd stay. She can't resist my animal magnetism. 

Man: Laugh it up, Miller. Laugh it up. 

Lex: Gentlemen. Gentlemen. 

Everyone gathers around her as she stands in the middle. They all look at her as she talks to them. 

Lex: It is my job to keep you alive on this expedition. And I need your help to do that. Since I don't have time to properly train you, I'm laying down three simple rules. One: No one goes anywhere alone--ever. Two: Everyone must maintain constant communication. Three: Unexpected things are gonna happen. When they do, no one tries to be a hero. Understood? 

Naruto: (Nods) Yes.

Lex: (Looks at man) Understood?

Man: Yes, ma'am. 

Lex: Good. 

Naruto smiles at this. He then takes out a pistol. He loads it up as everyone continues to get ready to move out. As he finishes loading the bullets in the pistol, he looks up and sees Lex coming towards him. 

Lex: You know, you shouldn't have a gun. Kids can't play with guns. 

Naruto: Well, like you said, unexpected things are gonna happen. And I trust my instincts and feelings for this. 

Lex: Good instincts. (Smiles at him)

Naruto: (Smiles back) I'm really glad you decided to stay with us. 

She smiles more at him. Just then, the trucks are all ready to drive onto the snow. Naruto, Price, Gaz, and their team get in a truck and they all drive off the ship. Naruto looks outside, and looks at the moon. He frowns as he knows what to call the moon at this night. Hunter's moon. The trucks drive on the island and head to the location of the pyramid. After driving over 14 miles from the ship, the trucks made it to a ledge. Some men are outside leading the way. 

Quinn: Hold it, guys. 

All the trucks stop. Everyone gets out to take a look. 

Man: (Whistles) Keep those engines running!

Man 2: Set it down. 

Everyone looks over the ledge. Lex then cocks a flare gun, and shoots a flare in the air. The flare pops light, revealing old wooden buildings. 

Lex: It's am abandoned whaling station. According to your satellite imagery, Mr. Weyland, the pyramid is located directly beneath it. 

Naruto looks at Price, who looks at him. They all drive down into the station. They shine their lights all around. The place is really old. Covered in snow. They all stop in front of the station. 

Max: Spread out. We'll use this place as a base camp. Mr. Quinn, begin drilling operations as soon as you can. 

Quinn: I'm on it. (To his men) Okay, guys. Let's move out. 

Lex takes Sebastian, Miller, and Naruto. Lex pops a flare to make more light. They all look around the place. Naruto looks at a building, and see some bones hanging. He frowns as he looks at them. He continues following Lex as they come to a water tower, and some bones sticking out of the ground. 

Sebastian: What are these?

Lex: Whale bones. 

Naruto: This place must be hundreds of years old. When was it abandoned? 

Lex: This station was abandoned in 1904. Everyone just disappeared overnight. It was a big mystery back then. 

Naruto: How many whalers were found alive?

Lex: One. 

Naruto: (Frowns) And did he say anything about what happened?

Lex: No. I read it before. It says he was insane when they found him. He didn't make no sense at all. 

They all stand behind the water tower, and stand by a ledge. Lex cocks her flare gun, and shoots a flare in the air. The flare pops out light, to show the end of the island. Nothing but ice all around. Naruto looks behind and around, but doesn't see Miller anywhere. 

Naruto: Hey. Where'd Miller go? 

Lex looks around too. She sighs in frustration and goes to find him. Naruto follows her. They walk around the station, looking for him. They see a door open, and they walk inside a blacksmith shop. They see Miller looking around, and he looks scared. They both walk towards him as he doesn't notice them. Lex touches his shoulder, and he panics. 

Miller: (Gasps) Lex. 

Lex: No one goes anywhere alone. 

Miller: Shh. There's something there. Listen. Listen. 

Then something moves from under a table. He gasps as Lex and Naruto looks. Naruto takes out his pistol and aims. Lex shines her flashlight at the table. And coming out from behind a desk is a little penguin. It squawks as it looks around. They all chuckle. Naruto puts away his pistol. 

Naruto: It's just a penguin. 

Lex: (Tenses) Careful. They bite. 

Naruto chuckles more as he looks at the penguin. It squawks, and walks under the table. Naruto kneels down to it. It walks to him, and he pets it. He smiles. Just then, they all hear Sebastian yelling outside. 

Sebastian: Hey. Over here! Over here! 

They all run outside to see what he found. They find him in a destroyed house, and in front of him is a big hole. They all look at it, and see the hole goes down. Quinn pops a flare, and he throws it down into the hole. The flare slides down the hole, and keeps going until it's out of sight. Everyone looks down in the hole as Quinn takes readings of the hole. 

Quinn: It's drilled at a perfect 30-degree angle.

Price: How far does it go down?

Weyland: (Types on his laptop) All the way to the pyramid. 

They all look at the laptop, and they see the hole leads all the way to the pyramid below. At 2,000 feet. 

Weyland: There it is. Clear as day. And the same time yesterday. 

He types on it, and it shows the readings of the yesterday's readings, that the hole wasn't there at all. 

Weyland: Nothing. 

Miller: How was it done?

Quinn: Thermal equipment of some kind. 

Weyland: Like yours?

Quinn turns around, and shines his flashlight at one of the buildings. They all look, and they see that part of the building's top was blasted, like a laser hit it. 

Quinn: More advanced. Incredibly powerful. I've never seen anything like it. I'm telling you. There's no team and no machine in the world...that could cut to this depth in 24 hours. 

Weyland: Well, the only way we're gonna know for to get down there and find out. 

Naruto continues looking at the hole. He frowns more as he gets the feeling again. Like something is off again. He follows Price and Gaz as Quinn and his men prepare to a rope machine to help the team lower themselves into the hole. Naruto zips up his coat and ties his boots tight. He puts on a backpack and puts some ammo in it. He looks at Price, who nods at him. He looks around, and sees Lex talking to Mr. Weyland. He couldn't hear what they were saying as the wind picks up. He looks at the sky, and walks away to get ready.     

Naruto: Soldier of earth and time. Naruto x massive haremحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن