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-aggressively casted a bond-


Concealed abilities were oppressed, burned down for it to not survive. Gone wouldn't be such words in use when authority up high has a hold of them. One with substantial faculty, urges to control his legs to stride away from me. Daring not this man, tormenting his cold body, making sparks of little fire tingle in him, "Come here, Jay" eyes engrossed on his figure, further away he went. Colliding with the flat surface we stood on, the younger had clutched down. Adding all specks of electricity, merging this ability with his, twisting the dna of creatures we are, merging our cells, thick vapour arose out of the younger, draining the cold-blooded body of his.

Stirring up cells, a bond created. Up hold emotions we were going to share with one another, with texture of it, clearly the state of the other could be sense. A fight as the younger kept pushing these hands to which was going to help him. Emotively taken over, flying speed came crashing. Voice to my wish held back, no words screaming out the pain, wails all internally, screeching of small fleeted creatures in mind.

Same being and same doings, what pulls it apart is the ranking, higher in status just pulls you down as the lowly hates you. Setting a foot up, progress put into, a fight to these pesky creatures or more so flight off. Running away isn't much of a hassle, freely engaged in excitement. Breaking out a fight with the already damaged brain would cost, a getaway from all commotions eases and the progress put for being in a better state strives upwards. Hostage in a confined space along with pesky small demons, chanting all sorts of mischiefs, manipulative and pressures the inflamed mind. Brust of a tank, storage to water flows out, losing one component to survive, easily letting it flow while it could be needy to those lowly, an inconsiderate act.

The clogged mind, hushed down. Streams still flowing, a little heaty. A glance at the sky up, stars dotted on it and back down, another star to which I've triggered and scared off. Capable of many demonic traits I have not gotten used to yet. Horrid he looked, guilt jacked in, "Seong-ah, I'm sorry you," trying his best to not show horror but the bond created had it embedded in us, he probably felt it all, and I felt his horror, "you had to feel it all and I'm sorry for casting it" a string of silence ending it. Would he push it all for pity upon me? Well he did, a beat at heart says it all.

A meter or two apart yet his comforting look he had on soothe the wild game. "Seong, I'm sorry" unending apology, the resentment piled up, obviously the younger could feel it. Now thoughts went on with how it'd annoy the younger more. More with the presence that happens to find its way into darkness, keeps dragging me in however something new blooms after the torment.

Scooted nearer he did. Criss-cross seating, the younger sat in front, no meters apart now-no counts to how far apart we are now. Knees held together. Him leaning in isn't helping with it all. Breathing he collects all steady as he breathes out slowly. Eyes on my fighting fingers had a newcomer, holding it like they were dearly to him.

Listening in on his beats, a sync we had and a spark as he laced together our fingers. Slowly, soft lively electricity flows in our blood, creating excitement. Beaming a smile down at our hands and a fond look the younger had on in my eyes.


-lee heeseung.


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