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-stings in beats-


Gloaming had shaded into this purple to red murky shade as dawn was approaching. Cold vapour arose, clearing the chilling air for a warm breeze later in the day. Maybe I've been ignorant to see such beauty, like a painting it was so as the one in hand, a moving painting. Define lines, enough to steal the hearts of others, short lashes which ratioed a good amount of thickness and current pale lips. Everything seems to catch the eye.

Eye fluttered open, mine greeted him. A tint of crimson layered on his cheeks up to his ears. "Morning" A light and simple word to begin the day with no rush, the beginning of a new day after the marathon. Eyes could’ve sworn the younger had a filter on right now, skin smooth and cheeks rosy like, "Stop staring, hyung" he murmured out. Maybe this bond isn't that bad.

Walking back to the camp ground, sounds of dried leaves crinkled, free from the demons' act, free to all noisy sound beings. Birds chirped melodically, flying in the clear sky they went.

Worries had it on their faces, "Hyung!" Throwing arms around my body, hooking like a carabinier, tight and secure. Two eldest were not in sight when eyes fluttered open from a heavy peaceful sleep, they relied on us both. All three younger had clung onto me, that's before one prick headed over to the second eldest. A slight sting at heart, ignoring the pity stare the other gave.

Questions filled in, all answered without lies. Twisting and turning the answers isn't lying now is it? Having one out of the three younger still clinging on, an instant lightning strike in; fear stinging and a lace of attendance to harbour. It went striking way too fast to react. As for Jay, terror in an instant on account of it triggering him. The only thing now is to react when the approximation of Kim Sunoo is nearing my neck, hot breaths on the surface, warming that spot.

Corner of the eye, Jake has his eyes flame out, bawling directly on us. "Sunoo" Called out calmly along with moving hands to close up the airy gap, a non pushy hug. "Are you cold?" Changing the subject but there it started, the younger sniffed and released a shaky breath out. Would call this body a blood bag for vampires to feed on. Besides a suck or more wouldn't be a problem, the blood in here is sealed, leveled well for it to not be less nor more. Losing blood would just be an illusion to another eye, brains I play with making it seem I bleed, seemingly I'm normal.

These abilities weren't known, somehow it all felt familiar. No connection to the web, I'll have it searched in seconds on casting a bond. Obvious thinking that the web has minimal information on it. About these creatures that exist yet don't? Creatures that overthrew joyous characters, leaped and tightened it. An unbalance of good and evil.

Would it be an alluring vage that lured this creature to me? What am I supposed to do after? Keep him? As high as his rank might be, it doesn't matter to me, the leader of his pack holds me even at times when jealousy kicks in.


-lee heeseung.


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