Rib x reader

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Ahaha rate R18 maybe? LOLOLOL

Your parents had left you home while they went overseas and because of that, you were sad and depressed. You were home alone. It was snowing really badly outside. You are at home sitting on your favourite chair, tugged in your blanket, warm and cuddly. You are reading a book with a cup of warm milk next to you. You felt really cozy. You were reading your book halfway when..

*knock knock*

"who the hell could it be at this hour" you mumbled to yourself as you went to get the door.

"Helosh (y/n)-shanh" [hello (y/n)-chan]
You saw a dude covered in snow with this playful smile on his face. You got shocked but you recognized the voice, it was Rib. And yes, he was definitely drunk.

"OIIII RIBBB DON'T RUN OFF ON YOUR OWNNN!! You'll get sick. " you saw this figure running towards your house. It was Soraru. He was definitely prepared for this weather. Soraru was holding an umbrella which Rib had just ran away from.

"SHEESHHHH" Soraru groaned, "he's such a kid." And he just walked off as Rib wanted to enter your house.

"Nonononono, please wait outside" you told Rib. He looked really blur like "ehh..." You ignored him and went to get a towel. You wrapped the towel around him and pushed drunk Rib into the bathroom. You heard some crashes in the toilet. ((A/N: AHAHAHAHA who am I kidding, who can shower when their drunk www))

You went to get a sweater, long pants and socks (he looked really cold) from your dad's closet and placed it outside the toilet. Rib looked better then you expected and it fitted him really well. Rib came out of the shower room with many bruises cause he kept banging onto the wall and apologizing.

You help him to apply first aid on his bruises. You decided to make a cup of warm milk for Rib to warm up and get to his senses but he seemed to get more hyper, he starting singing "nyaa" and starting taking off his socks.

"How much alcohol did he even drink- " and you faceplamed wondering why you had to take care of a drunk rib.

Then you had enough, you were pissed. This was your house not his. You went up to Rib.

"Oi Rib go to sleep already, you're so annoying" you coldy said to him.

"Nosh I don't wannsh" And he stuck out his tongue at you. Why why whyy is a 25 year old man acting like a kid omg. You sighed to yourself. You picked him up bridal style ((A/N: I'm ruining this, I'm sorry ww)) and carried him onto your bed covering him in your blanket. Then you sighed as you walk off.

There was a tug at your sleeve and you turned around. "(Y/n)-chan where are you gonna sleep at? " Surprisingly, his words were clear now. You briefly replied him "sofa." before trying to walk off again but this time, his grip was stronger. His grip transferred to your hand.

"No, I can't have you sleeping outside where its cold" and Rib pulled you onto the bed and embraced you. You blushed. You were actually pretty cold since you gave him your blanket. You could feel Rib's warm and that made your heart melt, you wanted to stay in his embrace forever.

Suddenly you felt the warmth disappear. Now, Rib was on top of you. Rib went to your neck and starting licking it before bitting it slowly. You moaned. Your moan made him bite deeper.

"S-stop it R-rib!" And you pushed him away but he was too strong. Thankfully he stopped but it wasn't the end yet.

He crashed his lips on yours and slowly made his tongue into your mouth. The pleasure you felt was so much you thought you couldn't anymore but Rib fell to the otherside of the bed dozing off with the words "I love you... " muttered under his breath and leaving you blushing madly.

When you woke up, Rib was still sleeping so you decided to go prepare breakfast and do housework. Rib only woke up in the afternoon with a very bad headache.

"E-ehh..(y/n) why am I at your house... wasn't I with soraru?"

you started to blush thinking bout what happened last night but when you thought bout how this rib here was so clueless, you faceplamed.

I finally finished it yeyyy
Comment for improvements (・∀・)>
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And lastly have a great day


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