Kain x reader

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Your world has been tainted ever since you were young. Now all you see is black and white nothing seems to affect you anymore. You hated the world. Its like you're almost a robot, even your friends say so. Your results also weren't that well in fact it was dropping over the months.

Just recently, a new student transferred into your class. Everyone seemed to know him but you didn't, and everyone was making such a big deal about him which you didn't much care bout it. Only that his grades were exceedingly well. Even with the new student, Kain your life went on as usual, being the obsulate one in class. Everyone always makes fun of you. Life seemed meaningless to you, you didn't have a reason to live. You were just planning to commit sucide after school activities when it was late. For now, you would have to endure.

/timeskip to CCA end

You waited for everyone to go home and making sure that the school was empty. You made your way up to the school rooftop which was forever unlocked. On the way there, you passed by the music room where you heard:

"Remember shiwa ga hitosu zetsu fueteku ashita no koto kangaeru no tanoshiku natte mou shiwa ga hitosu fueru tabi ni kinou yori mo shiawase sou na kimi ni aeru nara genjou iji de ikou..."
Accompanied by piano.

Straight away, you eyes started to tear and it became blurry but colours seem to have appeared again. You entered the room and found out it was the transfer student, Kain. As you stood at the corner listening to him, your heart felt warmth and your tears couldn't stop. Suddenly kain stops playing and walks towards you.

"You never change eh (y/n)-chan" Kain says. "(Y/n)-chan??! Wait don't tell me--" Yes kain was your childhood friend which went overseas to study.

"Don't ever try to do something like this again it's dangerous. Dont even have these kind of thought anymore. You might think no one would bother or think twice but I do! Sorry for leaving you in the past, I didnt have a choice. But now I'm here and I'll be here for you. You know, you'll never know but you're important to me. It really upset me seeing you like that so don't do it again ya"

And before you knew it, his lips were yours and you were water-falling /slapped I mean crying your eyeballs out.

-end -

Author's note:
Pretty short one bc im writing it at night with no feels. Okay hello my lovely readers I'm sorry I had a pretty long writer's block I'm really sorry for the super long wait for update I'll try to be faster okays? ;)
Comments are appreciated and Thank you for reading it and I hope it made your day!


(Dark thoughts is credited from Kuro_nyan for influencing me daily)

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