Soraru x Reader

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You are a new utaite and you always hang out with your few utaite friends: Soraru, Amatsuki and Itou Kashitaro. You can't get along with girls well so you stick to them. You are neighbors with soraru meaning that you live near Amatsuki and itou kashitaro as well. You go over to Soraru's house almost everyday since he's just next door. You actually like Soraru, but he just treats you like a smaller sister.

The four of you went out on one day together but for some reasons, you guys got seperated. You were stuck with Kashitaro while Soraru and Amatsuki were together. Then kashitaro started a conversation.

  -Conversation time YAY-

Kashitaro:  hey (y/n), tell me the truth, do you like sora-chan?

You: Ehh... what makes you think that...I don't really-

Kashitaro cut you off...

Kashitaro: Cause I think sora-Chan likes you.. 

You: Really? Nah, that can't be possible, he only treats me as a small sister, how can he have feelings for me...He never notices me at all like I'm his passtime... but yeah, I kinda like him...

Kashitaro: Then I think you should confess...


  -Convo of Soraru and Amatsuki-

Amatsuki: Weird how we're stuck together eh wwww

Soraru: yeah I guess..

Amatsuki: so tell me, do you like (y/n) chan?

Soraru: //blushes "'s..n..not like I h..her or a..anything,"

Amatsuki: your face's showing it all. So you do like her...

Soraru: but it's impossible like how... I'm 26 she's 14. Why would she want a guy 12 years older then her... in fact, she treats me as her older brother... *sighh*

*Timeskip to when you four met up*

Then as usual, You went to Soraru's house while Amatsuki and Kashitaro made their way home together. You actually ship them Cause they're so perfect together. Then you heard kashitaro saying "See, I told you, they both like each other, idiot." And he hit Amatsuki's head.

*timeskip again, Cause I'm lazy to write*

Soraru was looking for something in his room which was high up and was standing on a ladder. Then Soraru lost balance and fell. You were actually minding your own business when something heavy crashed on you, it was soraru! He was directly on top of you and his faced turned bright red.

"Hey (y/n), you alright? Sorry about this" and Soraru was about to get up from you. You pulled his arm and held his hand and said(as you were saying what you wanted to say, you started crying) : "S.. Sora-nii, What am I to you? Why is it I'm always trying my best but I feel like you're not responding at all... like my effort's all wasted. To tell you to the truth, I actually love you but I'm not sure anymore- " Soraru cut your words with a passionate kiss. Then he continued: " I didn't notice your feelings, I should have done so sooner, I'm sorry but I thought that you treated me like a big brother and I'm 12 years older, so you didn't want me.. Thats why I kept all my feelings. I really hope you would forgive and accept me, I love you (y/n) chan. " Then you guys kissed again.



"Soraru-n's gonna kill us if he finds out about this"

Kashitaro actually installed some CCTVs and recorded the whole thing 8DD

(I would do it too,Great minds think alike 8D)

  - The enddd-

(Wrote it overseas and I thought of this short story, I hope you guys enjoyed it :D )

Utaite x readerWhere stories live. Discover now