Shoose x reader

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You and Shoose are childhood friends during the time you came to tokyo to play when you were little. You guys had became best friends but soon after you went back to yoir hometown, Shizuoka. But currently because of your studies, you moved from Shizuoka to tokyo and is currently living alone. You turned out to be neighbors with shoose and was really happy since you had a crush on shoose since small. When you first saw him, you couldn't recognize him, he had became such an ikemen. You guys met the first day you moved in, you accidentally tripped and fell in front of his doorstep with him opening the door and staring at you.

Shoose offered his hand to help you saying "Are you okay? My name's shoose. You must be my new neighbor"

The name shoose sounded so familiar and it rang a bell, and you took his hand sand blurted out, "shoose..You mean the shoose?? "

"Oi" he said "what do you mean the shoose" and he narrowed his eyes.

"Ohoh I forgot to intro myself, I'm (y/n) we met before when we were little, do you remember?"

'Ahh yes" he replied and then patted your head.

Everytime you thought about it, you would start blushing madly. Yes, you were in love with Shoose but you knew that he treated you like he did many years ago, a kawaii imouto, a child.

You would go to his house everyday since you needed help with your studies and he was willing to help. Getting closer to him meant that your feelings got stronger too.

Then one day, Shoose had free extra tickets to a movie and invited you. You were really happy and excited so you decided to dress your best and become more feminine to let him see how much you've change since you kinda had enough of him treating you like a kid when you we're already old enough to live alone.

You guys met up and went for the movie and had dinner but Shoose did not say anything about you. At the end, you were pretty disappointed and kinda sad thinking he didn't noticed.

Since you were neighbours, you walked home together with shoose. There were no clouds today and you could see the stars and the moon that shown brightly. Tbh you didn't want to see him anymore and walked quickly leaving him behind.

"(y/n)! Wait up!" He shouted from behind.

You continued walking pretending you didn't hear him, your eyes welling up with tears. Then was a strong grip on your wrist. He pushed you against one of the walls (street walls? Idk ahahahaha). You hid your eyes with your hair as you didn't want him to see you crying. You gave up trying to act all ladylike.

"Just hear me out ok I have something to say" he sweeped your hair away, his gaze locking with yours.

"Sorry if I upset you earlier. You changing everything was a huge blow to me too, I was kinda sad and missed your old self and somehow I managed to figure and sort out my feelings. I love you. Ever since I knew you years ago, I couldn't forget your face, your smile. When I found out it was you who was my neighbour, I was overjoyed. And I realized, actually whether you change or not, I still love you, I'll always love you. I won't let you go again. "

Shoose gently kissed your forehead and pulled you in an embrace.


OK YAY I've finally finished. *phew*
/apologizes for long dialogue
Anyways thank you to those always reading and supporting me :)
Also do leave down comments for improvement~
And ahaha my EOY exams are approaching too + my procrastination I don't think I'll write much but I'll do my best!

Love ya guys♡

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