July-August 1998

136 4 1

"All I'm saying is that there was no need to celebrate our birthdays together," Mel shrugged. 

"So you don't want to celebrate with me, is that what you're saying? Have you grown tired of your boyfriend?"

"Mr. Potter, can we talk about this some other time?" She raised a brow. "We're working!"

The girl moved through the Ministry corridors holding the files of the Death Eaters her Aurors had managed to catch, quickly reading through them before giving them to Kingsley. 

"Alright, I'll nag you again during lunch," He argued playfully. 

"Sure," She retorted without paying attention.



"I love you?"

She stopped and looked up, sending a beaming smile at her boyfriend. 

"I love you too. Bye!"

Once Mel started walking again, her assistant approached her.

"Hi, Todd—"

"There's someone in your office, boss, says he wants to talk to you," He said tensely. 

It got her attention. Todd was always polite, but his tone was far from the lighthearted one in which he would usually speak to her.


"Mr. Malfoy."


"His son."

"Draco?" She asked in surprise. "So he's out of his hiding spot?"

Todd nodded once, he grabbed the papers and she thanked him before redirecting herself back to her office. 

What did Malfoy want? He'd been out of the public eye for weeks, no one knew about him or his family, and most believed they'd fled the country. Was he there to confess his crimes? Not that Mel didn't know, and if she hadn't sent anyone to hunt him was because of his mother.

It was also because Harry was dying to have a reason to go after Malfoy, he'd never forgiven him for almost killing Mel at the end of their sixth year. She wasn't exactly happy, but she didn't hate him. If anything, she felt pity, he'd had it rough the last three years. 

Of course, Mel and Harry had it rough their whole lives, so she couldn't feel that much pity either way.

When she entered her office she found Malfoy waiting there, standing in the middle of the room looking like he'd been petrified. He turned around quickly and the girl stared at him for a second. She finally closed the door and approached calmly.

"Malfoy," She said, "you're in London, then?"

"It looks like it, doesn't it?" He retorted in the same tone.

Mel stretched out her hand, Malfoy shook it briefly.

"Well, you didn't come here just to see my pretty face," She circled the desk and sat down. "What do you want?"

"I heard you and Potter are decent at what you do. Hunting down Death Eaters and sending them to Azkaban..." His eyes fixed on his hands.

"If you're here for your father..." Mel started, but Draco cut her speech.

"I know there are a few that you've found harder to track down. Is it true?"

Mel frowned. "What about it? You're feeling helpful?"

"I'd rather eat my own hand than to help you for free," He sneered, finally looking up from his fingers.

"What do you want?" She insisted.

Until the very End - [Harry Potter xF!Oc]Where stories live. Discover now