June-August 2004

62 3 0

"So, 'Mione, are you thinking about having babies?" Ginny teased her.

The young woman smiled. "I know you're trying to tease me, but actually, I have."

"What!" Mel gasped. "Soon, or...?"

"I don't know yet," Hermione shrugged. "We have plans, Ron and I, but nothing's set in stone, we're not like you two."

"No one's like those two," Ginny snorted.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Mel kicked the girl's foot lightly, it was getting harder and harder to move around as much as she wanted to.

"Sometimes it feels like you planned the whole thing since the start."

"What thing?" She laughed. "You mean our lives?"

"Yes," Luna hummed, she'd been silently reading next to Ginny up until that moment. "It's a bit odd, really. Everything always seems to happen the way you say it will."

Mel hadn't felt like that at all, but maybe there was a bit of truth in what her friends were saying. "I did a lot of the things I said I wanted to do when I was little..."

"Not to mention the three careers—"

"I only did two," she was quick to correct.

"Oh sorry, I'm obviously in the wrong here," Ginny taunted her.

"What about all of you?"

The girls looked at each other. "I used to believe I would date Harry," Ginny laughed. 

"I used to think I would grow up to be a lawyer," Hermione chortled.

"I wanted to be a magizoologist," Luna said thoughtfully. "Mine is true."

"Be honest with yourself, Mel. You have the big house, married the boy you were in love with since you were a kid, and got your dream job. I think you should be the next divination teacher!"

Mel remembered something. "McGonagall told me she's considering taking that subject out of the school's curriculum, y'know?"

"Really?" Hermione said in genuine surprise. "I don't know if she should."

"What?" Ginny said. "But you always hated it!"

"Well, we know there are real prophecies out there, and there might be a time when a student goes to school with the gift, so maybe it's not so bad to have those tools available, right?"

"Maybe not, but they should have a better Professor, 'cause Trewlaney wasn't it," Mel raised a brow.

"I liked Bane," Ginny shrugged. "I didn't have divination, but he seemed like a proper fit."

"I do remember liking the way he would put every option on the table."

"Regulus will attend Hogwarts soon, isn't that strange to think about?" Hermione wrinkled her nose. "He was just a baby, and now he'll be as old as we were when we met!"

Nostalgia washed over them, a comfortable silence fell around the group as they sank into their memories. "Time's funny," Luna said quietly.

"Yeah," Ginny seized the blonde's hand and kissed her knuckles. "I like what happens in it most of the time."


Mel rolled over and felt her babies moving around, making her squirm at the sensation. Harry was sleeping soundly next to her, his face was peaceful. She pondered whether it was a good idea or not to wake him, it was his 24th birthday and she wanted to make something special, but she was extra clumsy lately, and getting things done was complicated.

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