January-June 2003

80 5 0

"You're leaving?"

"Just for a few weeks."

Mel crossed her arms, staring at her husband with a scowl.

"Head Aurors don't go on those kinds of missions."

"Well, sometimes when you're Head Auror, you can change the rules," he got up with a little smile.

"Are the other Aurors busy?" Mel pressed, her frown only getting more prominent at his good mood.

"We haven't been able to determine if the attacks are caused by Dementors or dark wizards, I won't send my Aurors without knowing—"

Mel scoffed, storming out of the drawing room and into the kitchen. "You'll get things done by yourself like you always do."

"Well, at least now I'll get paid for the trouble," he replied casually.

"We don't need the money—"

"Don't be mad..." he said as he follow her around.

"I'm not mad."

Harry grabbed her by the wrist and turned her to face him, now he was frowning. "Don't lie to me."

"Alright, I am mad," she snatched her arm away, a little pout formed on her lips. "You're going on your own to a dangerous mission—"

"I'm taking Ron."

"But who knows how many Dementors or dark wizards are out there!" Mel exclaimed. "I'm not going to stop you, but I'm not happy either..." she looked down, the scars on her hand still visible in the sunlight. "Times like this make me miss our lifeline..."

Harry reached and squeezed her shoulders lovingly. "We knew this would happen. I'm sorry, but I'll be back before you know it."

"Hardly," she mumbled, "and don't say sorry if you don't mean it."

"If I could take you with me I would," he smiled a little.

Mel wrapped her arms around him. "You'll be careful, won't you? You'll come back to me?"

"Always," he kissed her. "But if I don't, feel free to find that greek waitress and marry her instead."

She chuckled, pushing him away. 

"You know what?" The witch said. "I have forty minutes to spare, and if I won't be seeing you in a month, I think we should use them wisely."

Harry smiled, sweeping her off her feet and moving towards the hallway.


"They'll come back soon."

"I know," Mel sighed. "Too bad we can't write them letters..."

"Ron said they'd write soon," Hermione was staying with Mel so she felt less lonely. "At least this time you can distract yourself with work! How is it going?"

"Moving at a frustratingly slow pace," she smiled tiredly, even now Hermione's way of cheering up continued to be work achievement. "How's on your front?"

"Oh well, ever since Skeeter wrote that article, I've gotten thousands of letters asking how to help to better the house-elves situation— my boss says I could get a promotion to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement."

"You'd be in the same Department as Ron and..." Mel grimaced. Hermione helped her with a quick change of subject.

"We got new people," she continued as if Mel hadn't said a thing, "there's this man that reminds me of Cormac."

Until the very End - [Harry Potter xF!Oc]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें