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Remus stayed with her until Harry arrived, he'd called Tonks to let her know where he was but didn't explain much, Mel wanted this to remain a secret for as long as possible.

Harry found them curled up on the couch surrounded by comfy blankets and pillows, and a very talkative Remus was the first to welcome him home.

"Hello..." Harry took off his cloak and brushed the snow off his hair and beard, he looked at them with curiosity. "Moony! How're you doing?"

"I finished my treatment," Remus smiled so widely that the corners of his eyes wrinkled. "Mel felt a bit sick afterwards, so I brought her home."

"Sick?" Harry approached her promptly, placing a hand on her forehead.

"I'm fine now," she grinned. 

Harry looked at Remus. "Thank you for looking after her while I was gone."

"Not a problem! And if you need help again, feel free to send an owl."

Remus patted Harry on the shoulder as he walked past. The Auror accompanied him to the door and Mel pushed the blankets off, hurrying to their bedroom upstairs and searching for something through their stuff.

"Mellow?" Harry called.

"I'm here!" She hid the item behind her back and waited for him.

The young woman heard his steps going up the stairs, then she saw his figure standing outside the room. He looked worried when he walked in. "Hi," he eyed her carefully. "You're acting oddly."

"You reckon so?" She smiled. "Why is that?"

"M'not sure..." he walked up to her. "You're sick?"

Mel's smile grew. "Tell me, Glasses... how much do you value your sleep?"

Harry raised a brow. "A normal amount?"

Mel's heart was so loud in her ears that she was struggling to form a coherent thought.

"Well, you still have a few months to enjoy it."

"What are you on, Mel?" He frowned. 

"Close your eyes." Harry hesitated, but her gaze was bright and happy, so he did it. She turned his palms so they were facing up, and then she placed the soft material on them. "Open them."

He looked down and saw the small woollen sweater. Harry looked up. "Wait..." Mel just smiled at him. "Wait— are you..?"


He blinked. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, Harry!" She laughed and cupped his face. "We're pregnant!"

It took him another moment to process the news, but when he did, Harry's arms wrapped around her and held her tightly. Mel could barely breathe, but she didn't let go of him either, and then Harry started to guide them to the bed, where her knees buckled and caused Harry to fall on top of her.

She laughed. "Careful! I'm with child!"

He kissed all over her face, Mel's chortles were the most beautiful sound he'd heard. With his arms still around his wife, Harry lifted himself a bit to look into her eyes. "You're sure about this?"

"I wouldn't've had sex with you if I weren't."

He grinned, lowering his face to kiss her. "I love you."

Mel caressed his face again, tracing his cheekbone with her thumb. "I love you too, Glasses. You'll be a fantastic dad."

He moved to look at the small sweater she'd given him, it was still in his hand. 

Until the very End - [Harry Potter xF!Oc]Where stories live. Discover now