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Harry was, as usual, admiring his wife.

Mel was graceful even while in a hurry and eight months pregnant, she wasn't supposed to be doing much, but this couldn't be helped, it was Fred and Jo's wedding day. 

The witch was walking from one corner of the room to the other, picking up the children's stuff to put them in their bag while Harry fed Matthew and kept an eye on the twins. Or at least that's what he was supposed to be doing, but in reality, he was observing his wife from across the hall, a soft smile on his lips and an adoring look in his eyes.

Mel's long and soft brown hair cascaded down her shoulders and moved every time she turned and leaned, her face was flushed from the effort and the warm weather that was coming earlier in the season than expected. 

In short, she was Harry's personal daydream. He never understood why some people said that after marrying someone and being together for years the spark tends to get lost, because he was still very much deeply in love with Mel the same way his fourteen-year-old self had been, or his fifteen-year-old, or the many versions of himself across his entire life.

Sometimes he would be swiped off his feet by the realization that he'd married Mel Dumbledore and not only that, but they were about to welcome their fourth child into the world. He was so enormously happy he couldn't comprehend it the majority of the time—


"Yeah?" The man gave a start, blinking away his pink-bubble thoughts. 

"I asked if you got the car keys? I can't find them anywhere!" Mel walked into the nursery with a pout, her hands had no room for keys, and Harry found it amusing.

"They're in my pocket," he grinned. "What, are you driving us to the venue too?"

She didn't find his teasing amusing. "I'm just double-checking, you know I get all clumsy and forgetful when I'm pregnant, so I'm scared I'm forgetting something..."

"Well, luckily for you, my brain stays intact during your pregnancies, and last night I made sure to put everything in place so you could pick it up in order," he glances down at her hands and chortles. "But that was a waste of my time."

Mel groaned and leaned closer, careful not to crush Matthew against Harry's chest or press her stomach too much, and kissed her husband briefly. "I'm sorry love, I'm just nervous, next month we'll be having Lily and I feel like this house is getting messier by the minute! It used to be so easy, keeping it clean..."

"Not your fault that the twins have learned to walk," he eased her, still bemused. "Who cares if the house is a little messy? Not like anyone's going to host any parties here anytime soon."

"I miss those days a little bit," Mel admitted with a guilty smile. "Perhaps later, once we get used to the baby again and the twins are a little more grown, we'll be able to invite everyone over."

"Maybe," Harry leaned and kissed the top of her head. "Do you need me to help you put on your shoes?"

"Oh, it's fine, I can do it with magic," she smiled at him briefly before turning back to the room. "I'm almost ready."

"I have time," he replied calmly, watching as she carefully walked out of the room trying not to bump into anything with her belly. 


"So what happened with wearing whatever we wanted to your wedding, Freddie?" George taunted his brother, smirking at how Fred kept pulling on this necktie anxiously.

"You twats can still do that after the ceremony is over," Fred replied grumpily. "I'll have to wait until Jo's wasted to start removing layers of this stupid suit."

Until the very End - [Harry Potter xF!Oc]Where stories live. Discover now