September-October 1998

107 5 4

There was one firm knock on the door. 

Dolores Umbridge didn't pride herself in having constant company, she gave a little start at the sound. 

"W-Who's there?"

"Miss Umbridge," responded a voice outside, "we're here to deliver a notice."

The woman, even though she'd always been squeamish and short, had never looked as vulnerable and helpless as now. She'd been cornered at her own home, but she was no idiot, she went to open the door.

Three people were waiting outside: Mel Dumbledore was standing between her childhood friends, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. All of them were wearing dark blue ministry robes from the Auror department. Dumbledore's had a silver "H" above her heart.

Dolores had met them when they'd already gone through most of their traumatic experiences— when they were no longer the titchy, quiet children they once were. She'd met them when they were rebellious, loud, cynical, and back then she hadn't been afraid. To her they were perfectly manageable, noisy little beasts that needed training.

"Good afternoon," Mel spoke. "Can we come in?"

Dolores sputtered an answer, the young witch smiled a little. 

"Good. Boys," She gestured towards the hallway.

The young men walked in, the redhead was having a hard time keeping a neutral expression, but Harry's was entirely stiff. The small woman stumbled back and crashed against a wall, none of them cared to ask if she was fine. 

When Mel stepped into the entryway, Umbridge finally found her voice.

"May I ask why am I getting such... unexpected visitors?"

"Unexpected?" Mel frowned slightly. "We've been working hard these last few months to prune our community."

"Have you come here to interrogate me?" The woman squeezed her wand between her chubby fingers. "About Yaxley? The time I worked with him—"

"Yaxley has been caught and sent to Azkaban already," Harry replied, curiously observing the objects around him. "His trial ended last month, didn't you hear?"

"I... dear child—"

"That's Mr Potter to you," Ron stepped forward, Harry stopped him without much conviction.

"See, Dolores— May I call you that?" Mel said without waiting for an answer. "We're not here to ask about others. We're here to arrest you."

Umbridge turned pink, so unbelievably pink, Mel wondered if her eyes were deceiving her.

"Arrest me!" Umbridge lost her composure. "I-I was nothing but loyal to the law and—"

"Never stopped to wonder if your actions were ethical, or truly legal according to the old wizarding law. Which needs to be updated— What do you say, Ron, d'you reckon we should start rewriting some of its faulty parts?"

Ron hummed. "How about we change 'acting in name of the preservation of the wizard pride' to 'committing hate crimes for personal purposes'?"

"Yeah, that sounds more accurate," Mel agreed. "Mr Potter?"

"I'd like to do something about the current guardians in Azkaban," He looked at Umbridge directly in the eye. "They're too easy to manipulate. Who knows what they're capable of doing under the wrong administration?"

"Attacking a minor, perhaps?" Ron offered.

"I didn't know the ministry had been compromised! I was just following orders, I was fearing for my life!" Umbridge insisted. Harry laughed dryly. 

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