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"That's not how dragons throw fires!" Emmeline squealed.

Harry looked up at the tree branch where his daughter was hanging and scowled. "Lin, I can't spit out fire, unless you want me to not talk ever again."

The toddler scrunched up her nose in the same way her mother used to when she was little. "Not that, daddy! I mean your head!"

Harry's confusion increased. "What do you mean?"

"Dragons don't raise their heads when they throw fire," Regulus walked out into the garden carrying James on one arm, the toddler was stuffing his face with biscuits. "They press to the ground, 'cause their targets are smaller than them."

It was the summer prior to Reg's fourth year at Hogwarts, and he was spending most of his free time at the Potter's house. He helped Mel and Harry with the kids when they were at work. Today, however, is Harry's thirtieth birthday.

Everyone had promised to pay a visit and celebrate together, but Mel was on the verge of getting her obscurial treatment project greenlit, so she was working even more than when she was researching for the werewolf cure, which leaves Reg and Harry to interact in a way they hadn't been able to in a long time.

"So I take your lessons with Hagrid are going well?" Harry grinned.

"They're my favourite! Apart from Charms, of course," Reg admitted, sneakily handing a biscuit to Emmeline as he approached her tree.

"Heard you're on your way to become the Captain of the duelling club," Harry raised a brow. "That's amazing, Mel is really proud of you."

"Yeah, mum is too. Says my dad was a good dueller."

"He was the best, he and my dad," Harry confirmed, then added quietly so Emmeline couldn't hear him. "Took advantage of it when they were younger, you know, in case that McLaggen kid tries to get the best of you."

Reg laughed. Whenever he did this, it kind of sounded like a bark. He had no way of knowing he inherited it from Sirius, but those who knew his father picked up on it as soon as they heard it.

"Dad!" Jamie swung his wooden sword around. "Matty and Lily woke up!"

They stayed silent for a second, the cries of Harry's younger children coming to them right away.

"Thank you, Jamie—Don't know how he does it, he's got super hearing," Harry chuckled, getting up from under the tree. "I'll go."

"No, no," Reg stopped him, putting James down and going back to the kitchen's entrance. "It's your birthday, let me do it."

"Looking after my kids isn't something I enjoy avoiding, you know?" Harry mused. 

"I know," the boy smirked. "But I rather deal with those two than the twins."

"Daddy, I'm stuck," Emmeline groaned in perfect timing, hanging upside down above her father's head. 


Mel fell on her bed groaning, absently rubbing her backside. "I'm starting to understand Fred a little, you know? Every family reunion we attend nowadays is packed with children..."

She rolled over and groaned again, so tired she couldn't bring herself to start changing into her night clothes.

"Am I allowed to ask how was work, or will you kill me if I bring it up tonight?" Harry teased her.

Mel glanced at him with the shadow of a smile. "You're a lost cause, Harry James Potter."

"Full name treatment?" He raised his brow. "What did I do?"

Until the very End - [Harry Potter xF!Oc]Where stories live. Discover now