February - July 2001

90 3 0

"...I thank the Department for three enriching years, I've given all I could, and it's time to test my abilities someplace else." She looked away from the crowd for a moment, Harry's eyes met hers and he smiled encouragingly. "I hope you receive my successor with open arms. Mr Potter is a highly trained Auror— Harry, I wish you the best of luck, I leave the office in your very capable hands."

Harry stepped in. "Thank you, Miss Sultens," he glanced at her with amusement. "I'm honoured..."

Mel knew he was lying, of course. Harry didn't want to be Head Auror, he just wanted to work there because, like her, he'd never stopped to think about what he truly wanted after the war. He accepted willingly, though, and didn't resent her for dropping the responsibility on his shoulders.

Harry could deal with a whole department, he'd led an army, and he'd done her work thousands of times already. Mel listened to his speech anxiously, if she could convince him to retire at a young age she would. Harry deserved a peaceful life, but at the same time, fighting was all he knew. It would take time, but one day he'd be ready to quit his constant state of alert.

Once the crowd dispersed, Ron approached and nudged her arm. "I'll miss you," he admitted, "it was fun being best friends with the boss..."

"Harry's your best friend too?" 

"Well, yeah, but we used to share a desk, now he's got his own office and I'll be assigned a new partner," he made a face, "I don't want a new partner."

"Perhaps Harry could make you his second in command?"

"Is that allowed?"

"If he wants to," Mel grinned. "Don't start changing stuff just to benefit you two, though, that's not professional."

"We'll think about it," Ron smirked. "So now what? You have a week to get your things in order and then you'll be in the Department of Mysteries! How do you feel?"

"Like walking in the dark," Mel responded, "I don't know what I'll do, and unfortunately, neither will you, cause I'm not allowed to talk about it outside the office."

"Blimey, that's true!" Ron frowned. "Not even if you write it down?"

"I don't know, King, but it's better not to try," she chortled.

"Hey, you guys want to get lunch?" Harry walked up to them.

 "Sure, it's not like I have work to do," Mel grinned.

"That must be nice," Harry smiled at her, casually holding her hand. 

"I'm planning to take Reggie for the weekend so I can spend time with him," she said brightly, "can't believe his first school year ended!"

"Erick's also coming back, isn't he?" Ron added. "This was his last year as a teacher... blimey, I hope he didn't break many hearts!"

"Not on purpose, surely, and the students won't miss him that much," Mel smirked, "McGonagall hired Joseph as his replacement."

"What are you guys laughing about?" Hermione caught up with them when they were nearing the entrance.

"Teenagers," Ron said, "I don't miss being one..."

Harry realized that in fact, they were no longer teenagers. Hermione and Ron were twenty-one, and Mel was about to turn the same age in two weeks. He was looking at three young adults, and friend group was no longer the right word, family was.


"Surrender, Hook, you're surrounded."

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