Tests and Roses

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Yin and Yang were in Book's room(note they were seperated) while Book spun around on her aerial hoop, while also doing random dances on it. When she finished, they clapped.

"That was awsome Book ^^" Yin said

"Heh, glad you enjoyed it ^^" Book said.

Suddenly, Test Tube came across the room, she snooped around and saw Book use her powers to make a pink heart with her magic. Then it bursted into pink sparkles

She gave out an amazed face, and wondered how she did that. [BTW, She did know they had powers before, but she never saw it like that]

She looked to Yin and Yang, and their eyes glowed red and blue.

She got more interested, and entered the room.

"Hey guys ^^'" She said

"Hey Test Tube :) what is it?" Book asked.

"I saw you guys do some of your magic, i was kinda interested and wanted to see how you do it ^^||" she asked nervously.

"Hm- Alright." Yin said to TT

"Alright! Follow me." She said. She leaded Book Yin and Yang out of the room and into her lab.

"What is this place?" Book asked.

"Oh, don't worry about it -^-" TT Replied with.

"But anyway, I wanna know a little more about you're powers like i said before, so I'll start out with some simple questions and then I'll do the tests, don't worry, they won't be harmful"

TT Pulled out a board and red marker.

"So, first question, how did you first discover you had powers?"

"Well.. basically a few months ago we were out in this forest with purple trees and colorful roses everywhere. All three of us grabbed one for each other. We gave Book a Pink one and she gave us a blue and red one, when we took each one they started glowing and the glow went directly into our eyes, then the next thing ya know we both got those powers." Yin answered with.

"Intresting, never knew flowers did that, now, second question..."

A few more questions later

"Alright, so that's all the questions i have for you three, now onto the tests." TT said.

"Okay, but what are the tests?" Book aksed nervously

"Simple their just blood and dna tests" TT said back.

"Alright" Book said.

Test Tube grabbed out one of the three syringes she had
(Pink for Book, Blue for Yin and Red for Yang) and called Book over.

"Sit here" she said

Book got on it and stook out her arm.

Test Tube Injected the syringe into her arm and took out some of her blood. And for some random reason her blood was... Pink?? [Yay danganronpa refrences in objects]

"Book You're- YOU'RE BLOOD IS PINK-" TT Said in shock.

"That must have been from the pink rose YinYang gave me" Book said

"Heh, guess that makes sense" TT quickly put a bandage on Book's arm.

After doing all the blood and DNA tests...

"Alright, i already took some of you're blood and Took a bit of you're DNA, By tomorrow i should have the results, you guys can go now." TT said.

Next day.

Book Hanged around on Her tire swing outside, while Yin and Yang Played around with the butterflies and flowers.

"Hey guys!" Test Tube shouted.

All three payed attention as she came running with some sheets of paper.

"I got the results of you're powers back! And it turns out the powers you have is called... "Precise Colors Of The Rose", or "PCOTR" for short, and that rose you grabbed are called "Rastell Sparkle Roses" Anyone who takes it are immediately zapped by it's power. And are stuck with the different abilities each one gives"

"Wow" all three said in sequence.

"Also, are you guys- sitting in a field of them right now-" She asked

"Yep!" Yin said

"Also, after you told us you were interested in our powers, we decided to do you a favor and let you feel the power"

Yin then pulled out a Purple glowing Rose.

"Woah- really?" TT asked.


She grabbed it, and the glow quickly went out of it and went into her eyes, then her eyes glowed purple, That's when she knew she had those powers.

"Freaking awsome!" She said.

"Maybe some day we could give each of these roses out to the people in the hotel 😏"

"Ooh, nice idea!" Yang said.

(They might do that soon btw >:>)

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