a/n ♡ (not a chapter)

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Okay so.. first i haven't really been updating my stories lately. And i wanna apologize for that :') but I do have some other announcements to say!

I'm gonna delete some of the other stories i haven't updated. Since:
1. I really don't wanna offend anybody with one of my certain stories.
2. I barely even bother focusing on them.

But aside from that.. as soon as i finish Wonder-Ville, I have another upcoming story which I'll publish after! It's called "Yin-Yang in Wonderland" ^^. I guess you can already tell what it's gonna parody lol. I'll just add my own little twists and refrences to it! As well as some new object ocs.

Not only that, my other main goal is making it an actual comic! Since most of my other stories are just written out.. hopefully. But yeah.

Now for II chaos, I have two more chapters that are still on WIP. They'll be out soon ^^ so just wanted to say that. Luv ya guys.

II Chaos (With Some BFB..) *FINIZHED*Where stories live. Discover now