The Snowy Walk

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This isn't related to "Bright Lights surviving the Snow"

It was 12:17am and Yin-Yang couldn't sleep. They just stared out the window of their room to see the snow coming down. They closed the window shortly after and got into bed again, trying to go to sleep. But again, it didn't work.

It was quite odd to see them like that, usually they're asleep at 8pm. So being up at that hour was very strange. They suddenly got the idea to hang around in the snow for a while. I mean, nothing could go wrong! Right?

They grabbed their blanket hoodie, and other stuff you would usually use to protect yourself from the snow. They set foot out the door. And obviously nobody is up at that hour. So they were clear.

They went to the living room and opened the door to outside. The snow still went down. They set one foot into the snow and then the other. As Yin let out a sigh. Hoping nothing goes wrong.

Little did they know that Tissues was looking at them leaving through the window of His room. What are they doing outside in the snow at that hour? He got curious and got out of bed to see where they were going. Not before bundling himself up as well.

A few moments later back with Yin-Yang..

They went into the forest. And decided to take a little break next to a tree.

"Is it just me or is this some sort of deja vu moment?" Yang asked Yin.

"Yes, when Me you and Book went out to that Land in August I think, speaking of which.. why don't we head out there again? Maybe some things changed! And we can go out for a while until we eventually tire ourselves out." Yin said.

"Heh, fine by me." They got up and continued walking. As Tissues was still following them.

"Geez, I've never seen them travel that far here." He said to himself.

Later on, Tissues still was surprisingly not caught by them yet. Until he saw that they eventually stopped.

"Hm?" He mumbled.

"Woah, i guess it did change a bit!" Yin said. Surprised at what they saw. The river was all frozen and shimmery, and there were also cute lanterns hanging from the trees.

Tissues even looked surprised. Until..

*SNEEZE!* Yin-Yang then turned around.

"What the hell? What are you doing here Tissues??" Yang asked.

"Oh uh, I saw you guys leaving the hotel so I decided to follow you! Ya know, to see where you were going!" Tissues said.

Yin sighed. "Well, I guess you can stay here for a while. We just wanted to stay out here since we've been here before in the past. Don't question it."

"Oh well, I guess that's- *SNEEZE* fine by me."

"Alright then! Let's get going!" Yang said, dragging along Tissues.

Back at the hotel again..


Book was yet again downstairs. She wanted to check with her brothers but they weren't there. "Oh my word.." She then decided to Call Test Tube on her phone. Hopefully she can help...

She sat on the counter and waited for Test Tube to pick up. She eventually did.

Test Tube: ..Yes?

Book: Yes Girl, it's me, we have a problem, Yin-Yang and Tissues are gone!

Test Tube: Wait, Seriously?

Book: Yes! I need your help! Get down to the living room!

Test Tube: On it!

Book ended the call as Test Tube ran downstairs.

"So Tissues and Yin-Yang are gone?" She asked.

"Yes they are! And i can't find them anywhere in the hote-" She paused abruptly, and slowly turned herself to the door. Along with Test Tube.

"Don't tell me they're outdoors." Book said.

"Well there's only one way to find out, we should get out there. But obviously we got to get ourselves warmed up because it's freezing out there!" Test Tube exclaimed.

"Ofc, I'm not stupid." Book said. As she and Test Tube got all dressed.

"Ready?" Book asked. Test Tube nodded. Book opened the door as she and Test Tube left.

Back with the boys..

Yin-Yang swung on the swings. As Tissues was sitting on the trampoline.

"Woo!" Yin yelled, controlling the body and jumped off of the swing. And sitting on the ground. Tissues noticed and got off the trampoline.

He went towards them, while they were Panting.

"You guys alright?" He asked.

"I guess so." Yang said.

"Well, I guess we finally managed to tire ourselves out after these few hours." Yin said.

"Really?" Tissues asked. Yin-Yang nodded.

"Maybe we should get back-"


"TISSUES! YIN-YANG!" Someone yelled. It was the girls.

"Well sh1t." Yin said. As Book came to the area.

"There they are!" Book pointed out. Test Tube came in as they ran towards them.

"You're so done for." Tissues said.

"Golly, first we leave to make a treehouse and you leave right after!" Test Tube said.

"Listen, I'm sorry we left. We just wanted to come over here for a while until Tissues followed us! Also because we were having a hard time going to sleep. So we decided to hang out here in order to help out!" Yang said.

"Well, first that is both understandable and a bit silly, and two, try not to leave the hotel without telling me. Or just anybody in general. Especially when it's late at night and when it's below freezing! But in the mean time we better get home now." Book said.

"Alright then." Yin-Yang got up as they and Tissues went with the two girls back to the hotel.

II Chaos (With Some BFB..) *FINIZHED*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant