Fairy Rings

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Book was all alone in her room, doing some hour practices on her Fairy Ring(that's what she calls it)

She also wore her little pink dress and her white socks.

But she was interrupted by Lightbulb coming into her room.

"Hi Boo- Oh, Hanging around again?" She asked.

"Yes ;-;" Book answered akwardly

She quickly got down right after.

"Anyway, Painty told me to tell you to go downstairs for something, i forgot what it was." Lightbulb said.

"Alright ig, but I'll just finish with my fairy ring real quick." Book said back.

"Hmm, alright!" LB said. She then ran downstairs as Book got back on her Ring.

She got down and went straight to Paintbrush.

"So what did she say?" They asked.

"She said she'll be down soon, she just has to finish her self-lessons on her hoop."

"Oh alright then- wait what hoop-" They asked again

"You didn't know?" Asked TT. "She has this Aerial hoop thing, otherwise known as the "Fairy Ring" and there she just hangs around and does small tricks on it, she also has a silk on what she refers as "Tangle Silk" and the stuff she does on them are cool af"

"Damn, i kinda wanna try that." Said Paintbrush.

"Then why don't you go ask her? I'm sure she'll give you some lessons." Yin said.

"Heh, alright, I'll go see if she'll let me"

They left downstairs and got to her room

Book just dangled upside down from her hoop, spinning arond slowly for a while, then heard a knock.

"Hey Melanie Martinez, Can i come in" Asked Paintbrush.

"Alright, get in here, also don't call me that, i am not Melanie Martinez because of my cover"

They opened the door.

"Also uh can you put those pillows beneath me? I have to get down so i don't get a migrane again for being upside down for so long." She asked.

"Meh alright" Paintbrush said.

They put them down beneath her then she let herself drop down her safe landing.

"Thanks, anyway what is it?"

Well, LB and TT told me about me about you're fairy ring, so- i wanted to ask, can i have some lessons from you? It looks cool." They said.

"Hmm, alright, but I'll have to get my second fairy from my trunk." Book said

She got up and got to her trunk, she pulled out her extra ring. Which was colored Blue and Yellow[her hoop is colored purple with flowers painted on it.]

"You can use this if you want!" She said.

"Alright!" Paintbrush said happily.

"I just gotta hang this somewhere, then we'll get to the basics." Book said.

After she hung it up, she was ready to teach her partner about the ring.

"Alright so, onto the basics, first, try to keep some sort of Landing beneath you, you can when you want to." She said.

"Alright, also, how do you get on?", Asked Paintbrush.

"Well, you should be able to hop on to it easily, that's pretty much why the pillows are recommended :'>" Book responded

"You also wanna hold onto the sides to help along." She said again.

She held onto the sides of her ring and easily hopped on.

"Now you try! It may take a few times tho"

Paintbrush held onto the sides, just like how Book did, and somehow was capable of getting on.

"Damn, that really was easy!" They said.

"Yep! Now I'll just teach you a few things." Book said back.

After a while, And after mastering a few easy tricks and everything else-

"Alright! Now i wanna see you do it! We've already gone through this!" Book said.

"Hm, alright, but what if i mess up?" The tall Nonbinary asked.

"Don't worry! That's common! You gotta fail before you succeed!" Book said.

"Well, alright." They said again.

Their performance was better than she ever had expected, they did twirls, swings, and even upside down shots. Eventually they stopped.

"Paintbrush- i don't know what to say- THAT WAS AMAZING!" She said while clapping happily.

"Wait, really??" They asked.

"Mhm! Guess all that training payed off! Even if it was only a day!" She said.

"Damn, thanks!" Paintbrush said.

"You're welcome my nonbinary pal."

II Chaos (With Some BFB..) *FINIZHED*Where stories live. Discover now