Chapter 24

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The group insist on staying with me when I admit I don't want to go back to Norma's so soon, so we spend the night sleeping in the university library. Only, sleep seems to escape me. Most of the night, I spend wallowing in self-pity. Although I try extremely hard to keep my sobbing as silent as possible so I don't wake the others, I think some of them are awake anyway but none of them say anything and for that I am grateful.

Eventually, when I finally build up the courage to go home, I walk in on one of the men from the previous night stood having a discussion with Norma and holding out a clipboard with some papers for her to sign. The organisation dealing with the explosion is going to release my mum's body. Norma explains that all she has to do is sign the papers and we can start making arrangements for the funeral.

Nodding in understanding, I change out of the clothes I am wearing, as they're still covered in scorch marks and smell of smoke. Without another word, I exit the house again, get back in my car, pull out a notepad and make a list of everything that needs to be ready because I want mum buried by the time the weekend is over. Driving back out, I intend to work through the list and make all the necessary arrangements. On my way down I pass Alex and Perrie and they wave me to a halt on the country road.

They ask what I'm doing and I tell them about the body being released much to their surprise. Adding that I want the funeral done with, by the end of the weekend, Perrie sends me an intense stare and then urges me to let them help. Before, I know it I am meeting the group in Subway and dividing the tasks up.

"Anything you need," Leigh-Anne promises, "we're here."

Sending them all off, I get back in my car and drive to the market. After everything mum owned was burnt to ashes, I need to buy something for her to be buried in. I browse around every shop but not a single item of clothing seems right. When I step back out of the sixth shop, I run a hand through my hair and sigh frustratedly. That's when my eyes land on a dress hanging in the window of a second-hand shop. Without a doubt, I know this is the right dress. I walk straight in and buy it. As I'm paying, my breath hitches in my throat and a tear falls from my eye when, for a split second, the image of mum wearing the dress flashes in my mind.

Once I am done, I catch up with the rest and make sure everything is ready for the next day, before reluctantly heading back to Norma's. Then I sleep the rest of the day leaving Norma to sort out the minor details. I don't wake up until it's time to get ready for the service.

"Are you ready?" Norma asks in a quiet voice, appearing in the doorway dressed in black. She's opted for a black suit, as opposed to a dress, like me. On her feet are black flat shoes and she carries a black purse in her hand. Considering my house blew up, I have had to buy a bunch of clothes, one of which includes this black dress and Norma went out and got me several pairs of footwear.

I don't reply to her and get to my feet instead. Slowly walking out of her house, I get into my car and start the engine. Norma looks offended that I want to drive myself to the funeral but I don't spare her a second glance. Reversing out of the driveway, I drive out of the street and head towards the service in town. I'm not sure whether I should be driving or not because I feel so out of it; I could cause an accident and the cops would have a field day.

Third crime I'll have been part of since the end of September.

I am the first to arrive, which is something I am grateful for. Everything is already set up and ready to go. The casket lies at the front of the hall, closed out of respect due to the state the fire left her body in. Walking towards it shakily, I finally let the reality of the situation overwhelm me. For a second I consider opening up the casket to gaze at her face one more time, but I can't bring myself to do it. No matter how it looks, I'll always think she's the most beautiful woman on the planet. But I don't want my last image of her to be one where she's half-burnt, charred and unrecognisable.

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