Chapter 23: Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

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Chapter 23: Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

"You'd better have a good explanation for this Milo, because I don't picture you to be the type to prank your boss." Oleana said curtly, as she looked down to a small formal letter from behind her desk across to Milo. He had approached her the evening the Olympic Tournament had concluded, and the Grass-based Gym Leader was smiling all the while.

He tipped his head downwards slightly and nodded, readjusting his posture to that of one more straightened. "Yes, ma'am. Originally I had figured I would go through this Gym Challenge one more time to enjoy the atmosphere and give trainers something new to look forward to in the future. But ever since today's events I considered that perhaps it would be best to leave on a high note."

Pursing her lips and flaring her nostrils in annoyance, Oleana narrowed both eyes. "Elaborate, please."

The Gym Leader laughed weakly and sighed. "Nessa putting an endcap on our rivalry by defeating me has brought a lot of attentive eyes to not only her, but Galar's Pokemon League. I was always meant to be seen as a teaser for what trainers would be dealing with, but never the end-all-be-all. If it's okay with you, Miss Chairman, I'd like to retire formally with the high note that I was defeated by such a good Gym Leader despite her type disadvantage. The way I see it? People will see it as a challenge that even by the 2nd Gym Leader in our challenge, new trainers can be given a trial that may make them re-think their strategies. Which would ultimately have a positive affect on the statistics of everything else that involves the League itself here."

She wasn't convinced, and Oleana crossed her legs as she sat. "You're not holding it against her and Haru for the battle by quitting in shame, are you?"

A part of him felt a ping of stress being reminded of what he went through. "Honestly? A part of me is still pained by the loss of not only the battle, but what occurred between the three of us. I don't plan on moving out of Turffield, but I do have to consider where my strengths lay. Considering Galar will need crop managers, and labor is in high demand for my type of expertise, I'd like to try and re-focus until I can see myself even attempting to come back to the league...if it's even a thought in my mind when the time comes. While I know something like this isn't enough to pull out, there's an issue with the family business that may require my fulltime commitment to it."

Once again, the Chairman was trying to fish for a true reason for his departure. "Hmm. You sure this isn't tied to the weird report you were trying to push out via post-game?"

He inhaled sharply. "What do you mean, 'weird report', ma'am?" Milo asked nervously.

Oleana rolled her eyes and sighed. "I heard it all when I was off taking care of personal matters. Honestly, Milo. Accusing the two of doing such indecent acts? Publicly? For thousands of people to see? Do you really think Nessa would threaten her own career with doing such a thing, and Haru, without even becoming a Gym Leader at all? What sort of a fool do you take them for? Do you take me for someone to accept such tomfoolery?" She leaned on a hand that balled up into a fist. In that moment of questioning, she saw Milo tense up.

She clicked her tongue and sat up straight. "I saw the tapes and even spoke to people who were there as staff. There was a small period where broadcast equipment had lost signal, and to make sure live broadcasts were uninterrupted, the broadcast studio in the stadium was able to air re-run footage of previous career battles and even highlights of not only yourself, but Kabu, Nessa, and the previous Pokemon League tournament. They even were able to re-cut a nice, pocket-sized, digest version of the very amazing Double Battle you two pairs did together. By my reports, people were seen in an increase of ordering concessions due to the excitement of Haru and Nessa's match against you, merchandise sales skyrocketed, Haru's Steel Gym had ticket pre-orders see a huge surge, and the social media mentions of our region blew through the roof!"

- Soul of Steel -Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum