Chapter 15: Critical Hit

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Inside of the Wyndon Stadium, the cheers and support of the two recent trainers who gave the performance of their lives would continue to echo throughout the dome. On both sides of the stands, be they standing in applause, or in their ticketed seats, fans united in showing their appreciation and love for both Haru, the Champion of Galar who defended his title, and Syra, the Gym Challenger who tried to take the title of Champion from him only to fail in the final act. Internally, it was a mockery that she not only failed at the last moment, but that she ended up breaking down in front of untold numbers of fans. It was unbecoming of her image, and she felt awful.

The Champion's time may have ran out by the end of the whole event, but Haru asked staff behind closed doors to give him some time before he would come out with the Gym Leaders and Oleana for the closing ceremony.

Leaning against a wall, Haru spoke on his cell phone to the head of logistics and Oleana viva la conference call. "Syra should be there with us regardless of what went down, and to know that despite what occurred, the people aren't going to turn their backs on her. I don't think I know the whole of her story despite what she told me...I think she just needs a moment okay? Give me a moment to have her regain herself. Is that fine?"

"It's fine, Haru. I think a lot was said between you two and more than just words will be remembered after today. Do what you need to do." Oleana was heard speaking on the receiver.

"Sure thing, sir. But do know that we have a timetable to keep, not counting any post-tournament party you may be holding within the company." replied the logistics head.

Haru looks over to Syra, who was slumped in a chair. The two of them had secluded in an office where League Tournament Staff or competitors would be held up in, and Haru had made sure they wouldn't be disturbed. "Thank you, two. I'll phone again when we're good for the closing ceremony."

His thumb tapped the screen to end the call and sat opposite of Syra with another chair pulled up. Both of his hands folded together after he took off his cap that he wore to the battle. It was a little awkward being there alone with her after everything that had transpired between the two. She had been intensely aggressive, violent, and hateful towards him almost every step of the way. He recalled moments where even at her worst, he caught glimpses of what her true personality would be if she lowered her guard. At some part within Syra sat the true girl that bore the blue vest, 'Champion' cap, and short shorts that she often did when not adorned with the required League uniform.

Syra sniffs and rubs her nose while looking to the side. "I couldn't tell everyone out there more of the truth...but what you heard was most of it. What happened to my friend, my little brother, and my family." Her eyes look up, lifting her head slowly.

She sees Haru raise an eyebrow and lifting his head up to meet hers only to be met with sunken eyes that showed fatigue. Her hair looked somehow flat. Her intense aura and strong persona had faded to reveal a girl that was putting on a mask; one that helped her perform at her best at all times. "Is that so? So what aren't you telling me then? What's going on with the real Syra within you?" he asked. She took a moment to inhale deeply and started to comb her own hair slowly. Her own hand stops to grip onto the tip of her scalp in frustration. "Syra. It's okay. I won't tell anyone if it's that big of a problem."

"When I said that I needed to win that match in order to escape...? I wasn't just talking about making things right with my friend. I wasn't just referring to maybe helping her get out of her situation. It was for me. Outside of Holly, my little brother is my only friend I have ever made. From what I gathered about you when I was..." she sighed and rolled her eyes at Haru before admitting it outright. "...spying on you, and if we're comparing here for a moment, then I know that you had a good upbringing. You have a single mother, sure, but you ended up becoming what you are today through hard work, the friend you had within Hop, and someone whom I found a blip about named 'Hiro'."

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