Chapter 11: Pools Closed

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Author's Note: This is the full intended release of this chapter containing an intense lovemaking scene. Any such scenes like the one later on here will be shown as is, but do serve the purpose of furthering the relationships shown. Thank you for your understanding. 

"I'm here to register officially for the upcoming Pools Tournament?"

Syra had made her way to Motostoke's Gym that had Kabu managing it in order to put herself officially into the registry. In short time she would be competing against a large number of others for the right to have a chance to compete against Haru for the Championship title and to be rightfully called the new Pokemon Champion in the Galar region. Look at the gentleman at the desk, she notices there's a new check system in place. Assuming it to be security for the fact this was a brand new type of event for such rare occurrences (mostly due to the delay), she wouldn't protest nor hold conversation; merely obeying. It required for her PokeDex to be scanned to reassure that she was the person she said she was, and to check her team she would be taking into the competition.


"What is it? Is something wrong?" Syra raised an eyebrow, wondering why the man behind the desk hesitated with one hand on her hip.

"All checks out ma'am. Sorry for your wait. Here are your Pokemon again. We look forward to seeing you compete since you got the badges! When the first day starts, we'll require you to be here early. Here's your packet of information."

The gentleman handed her some basic information on the slightly different way the matches would be going on during the whole event, how security would be checking everyone, how teams would be checked, etsetera, etsetera. Kindly waving to the polite staff member, she smiles then exits. "You fellas are looking at the one person that will dethrone Haru here! You won't want to miss it!" confidently shouting before the double doors shut behind her.

As she had made her departure, the man looks back at the registered Pokemon and sweat beads form around his face. "Holy cow...are all of the trainers that will be competing in the pools be this strong? That girl is something else entirely..!" he monologues to himself as his eyes scan over the screens again.

Every single one of the Pokemon registered was at their maximum statistical level of '100'.

- - - - - Southern Wild Area - - - - -

- - - - - Train Station - - - - -

At the same time that Syra was off registering herself for the upcoming events, Nessa is seen signing some documents while talking to people whom she traded fish Pokemon and fishing supplies. Since she herself was one of the big contributors to her own town of Hulbury, and it had seen a boom in business recently, the Leader-and-Model herself made the visit to speak in person with those responsible for delivering resources.

"Now I know you're new to Unova, but you'll do fine. I already spoke with them ahead of time. They're expecting this shipment. Just follow the notes I gave you and if you need any help you already have your senior staff who can also help translate in case their accent throws you off or they suddenly go into speaking Unovan. Also, try to be off to bedforshire; it's a long trip." Nessa was explaining part of the process to a person she worked with in trade that was relatively new, pointing to the spreadsheets of data.

Behind her would be a person that was seen asking several people for information as he got off the train. Wearing a black dress shirt, black denim, messy black hair with glasses, and dress shoes, the gentleman wore a certain logo of another country on his back. A moment passes, and Nessa kindly waves to the people she was speaking to and reminded them to call her if anything goes awry in the process but trusts their ability to keep up.

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