Chapter 3: Ruby and Sapphire

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"You know, they did say it was a party, but I can't help but think I should actually try to dress up a bit tonight, you know?" Haru would say, looking in the mirror he had in the bathroom as Masako was standing outside of it with her arms folded over each other. At the moment he was wearing his clothes from the night before as he was planning to shower up before the night just to be extra presentable. There was no specific 'type' of party and since it was amongst fellow Gym Leaders it didn't have to mean it would be a suit-and-tie, but still Haru wanted to change things up a bit. He walked with Masako, his Gardevoir, over his walk-in closet and the two would look over all the tops he had that would be considered nice enough amongst close friends but not too 'preppy'. She'd pick one out, hold it against him, and shook her head a few times.

Haru would usually leave the decision to her and when he saw her do a double take, he asked "Did you find a good one?" and she turned back to him. Holding it up against his chest it was a silver dress shirt with maroon red strips alongside the bottom left part that would go upwards. It was asymmetrical in design, had a nice look that said 'Haru' on appearance alone, but was nice enough for such an occasion. The two would return to the mirror and an eyebrow raised. "Masako ya did good. Now just to get prepped for the evening since this took so darn long!" giving her a hug as she happily returned the affection.

While in the shower he'd get a few texts that he wouldn't see until getting out.

[ LEON: Hey bud, a few of us are here so if you want to head over you totally should! ]

[ KABU: Haru, it has been awhile but I hope you'll be over soon. The curry will take a bit to prep but should be ready when you're here. ]

[ BEDE: Don't think I haven't forgotten our rematch: tonight isn't for that so be thankful I'm sparing you!]

When Haru got out he saw the messages he would briefly look them over but not bother to waste time responding. He was already heading over a bit late, as by the time he'd get there it would most likely be a bit after 7. A few minutes later, he'd be fully dressed, combing his hair and applying deodorant, and took his Rotom phone out. A mere fraction of a second later and he would have simply told Milo, who he knew was already there, that he would be on his way but got a text from Nessa.

[ NESSA: Hey Haru, Allister just came in, you almost here? There isn't gonna be any appetizers left if you arrive too late 'hero'! ]

It made him smirk, but he wasted no time. This time there would be no need for security cuz he would be amongst several other friends...though he did decide last minute on taking Nora, his Glaceon. He promised to pay her back for the household help she gave and figured he didn't need Goji, his Cinderace, with him. If anything, it'd make Melony happy to see her again.

- - - Stow-On-Side - - -

- - - 'VIP Room', Penthouse - - -

"You laugh honestly but I think I could take him!" would be the familiar, arrogant tone of the Fairy Gym Leader, Bede, who was sharing a drink with his fellow Gym Leaders as Raihan, the Dragon Gym Leader, and Milo were sitting with him too. They had set up a card game and were all playing to kill time until Haru arrived.

"Don't take it the wrong way, Bede, but methinks you just need to not be so wound tightly as you are..." Milo interjected, drawing a card. Raihan looked over, and took a selfie for the occasion. Bede clicks his tongue in annoyance. "I'm just fine as is: you all are just too loose and unfocused; you can't see what I can do!"

"Oh we all saw allright, but tonight don't go trying to sabotage anything like you did during the League okay?" Nessa came, holding a plate she got for herself of some scones that Milo brought in.

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