Chapter 25 : Starting Over In Hoenn

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The sounds of thousands of Galarian people were heard cheering. At the innermost part of the battlefield, a lone woman wearing a familiar coat bearing only a microphone clipped on her collar walked and waved to everyone, and as she made her entrance, a line of fireworks spark to life. A grand entrance for a grand new league challenge. Days like these were worth waking up early. Tilting her head back and sweeping an arm in a greeting to the stands, Oleana spoke gracefully. "Welcome, one and all! Welcome to the world of Pokemon! Our beloved Galar region is a wonderful place with thriving nature... beautiful cities, and many Pokemon with which we share our lives! As you know, our society is able to thrive thanks to the help of these mysterious creatures we call Pokemon." With a flick of her wrist, she threw a ball and out came a Milotic; its beauty eliciting an array of cheers from those in the crowd who watched her introductory speech. As the water Pokemon turned profile for the crowd, Oleana looked back to the onlookers. "Yes, Pokemon are all around us --- in the sea, in the sky, and even with us in our towns! Those of us who choose to raise and train Pokemon to do battle and compete are called Pokemon Trainers!"

A part of her felt ill warranted to be saying lines that her former business partner, the previous Chairman, Rose, would say often at each Pokemon League introduction for the year. This would only be her second time doing such introductions but the pressure to try and make a name for herself was always there in the recesses of her mind. Did she deserve this, and better yet, was there any way she could keep doing this as long as he did? /Oleana, don't go overthinking yourself right here. None of that matters../ She pondered, before raising her head up high. "I am your Chairman, Oleana, and it's a pleasure to be here. Now, if everyone would be so kind, turn your gaze to the Galar region's greatest Pokemon Trainer. He is filling in for the role of Champion after the prior stepped down to pursue his dreams, but starry eyed fans will recognize him: the man who took on the name 'undefeated Champion' in spades! He's returned, and he's more fiery and waiting for a fight than before! Leon!"

The theatrics to such an acclaimed trainer's return was met with a piercing chorus of cheers that could be heard for miles in Galar. Fireworks and other pyrotechnics crack and burst as the purple haired man came onto the field wearing his original cape, cap, and outfit. The time in which he hadn't worn it was almost nostalgic to him; try as he might to tell himself otherwise. As Oleana watched Leon walk onto the field only to do his silly pose -- left arm stretched outward into the skies above, she turned away from him to continue. "This is our Pokemon League Exhibition Match, everyone! On account of a special request, our original opponent for Leon has been...replaced by someone else who is showing up in the hopes to give a good show. I'm certain you recognize him." Olive green eyes turned now to look to the opposing end of the field while Leon stood straight; the fires of competitiveness burning in his irises.

Another set of pyrotechnics go off as the lights dim. A familiar tune plays as a short male trainer with red hair, glasses, and a uniform bearing the pattern of Steel across his form walked. Head held up high, his gaze focused on Leon with the same fire his friend had therein. Everyone recognized who he was, and as such, Oleana would give him a proper reintroduction as well. It would only be fair. "For this Exhibition Match we are accompanied by one hero who once saved this whole region from the Darkest Day, helped stomp out Team Rocket's efforts, and was the very trainer who shattered Leon's previous undefeated record. You know him everyone, so grant him the best welcome you can give: Haru, former Champion of Galar and the newest Steel Gym Leader!"

Both men came to meet in the middle. Haru would glance briefly to the crowd in the seats, and smiled. For some reason, he had a good 'feeling' that would be unshaken. A sign of a better future. The thought of the new league about to begin gave him hope. Haru and Leon look to Oleana, who smirked before waving them off. "Give us a good show, you two."

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