Chapter 5: Beating the Shiny Odds

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- - - - - The Wild Area - - - - -

"Hey what the hell are you doing?!"

"This isn't a part of what we do here!"

"It's supposed to be an equal shot for all of us, and we have to come to an agreement! We DID come to an agreement!"

Four Pokemon Trainers came together at one instance to take down a Dynamax'd Pokemon. It was a very common occurrence for the area. Catching these types of Pokemon would give rare benefits, and it was only through these types of battles that one could find rarer spawned Pokemon. Depending on the strength of Pokemon you would need up to four trainers to take them down. With four trainers and only one Pokemon the situation was always a calm conversation on who would be the one to try and catch it before it ran. You just had to be at the right place at the right time. For three of the four trainers here however they were at the wrong place at the wrong time. One trainer had gone rogue at the last second upon victory and commanded 3 of her Pokemon she wasn't even using in battle to pin and restrain every other trainer so they couldn't do anything. All discussion they had prior to on who would be there to catch this creature went out the window.

The female trainer with long velvet black hair would walk towards the defeated Dynamax Pokemon as she got her best ball for capturing purposes, and looked back at them. "Oh shut up. None of you could ever train this Alcremie to the full potential like me. None of you deserve it. Only I do. I did the most damage. I beat this thing. She belongs to ME now."

She throws the ball at the Pokemon, causing the now giant ball to fall to the ground with a loud crash. With three violent 'wiggles' upon capture, the center light of the PokeBall glowed green as it shrunk to a normal sized ball. The girl had captured it successfully. Withdrawing her Pokemon who restrained the others, she would make her exit.

"You bitch! How dare you! Bad enough you hid your face with that tacky mask, but we already said who was going to catch this one and it WASN'T YOU!"

"This is way too messed up...where's the cops when you need them..? This has to be against Pokemon League rules right?"

"I've been through 6 of these today and still don't have one. I guess it'll be going on 7 now..."

One of them would get up and make a run for her but the girl turned immediately to the oncoming enraged trainer and made them freeze in their tracks. She threw no punches but exuded an immense level of energy, and some other sense that made them retract from doing anything. Havin a devilishly satisfied expression, she looked back at them and smiled behind the cloth mask she wore. Despite no actual emotion visibly seen due to the mask, it was obvious she took immense joy doing this to them. Tossing her Rotom Phone so it could transform into a Rotom Bike, she put a leg up onto one of the pedals once sitting. "Hahahah! That's what I thought. Just sit there and wallow in pity at your own failure, scum. I appreciate the help!"

- - - - - Elsewhere in the Wild Area...- - - - -

A half hour later, Syra is inside her tent as she tends to some private work that she doesn't want any ears to hear. No Pokemon are outside of her camping grounds currently, and a little makeshift stove is on to keep the interior heated. While on the phone there would be what sounded like a much older man speaking back to her. It seemed the conversation wasn't going well, and she insisted. "Look, all I know is that at the rate I'm going I'll be done soon. Maybe the next few months. One could say 4 at the latest. But that won't be enough to study what I need. More time is needed."

The older man responded. "We are doing everything we can on our end to keep up with the rate at which you're going. But someone also told me that the reason you're doing this is for very personal reasons. I'm sorry but I just don't get it?"

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