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"My heart has been fogged since I graduated. I don't remember a lot from the day but, one thing has stuck to me. My brain wishes it wouldn't. I hate thinking about it. It hurts. We were all standing there, our caps and everything. Most of us had our parents there but he didn't. The smile through the tears on his face made my heart break. We were gone on a trip earlier in the school year and a building collapsed and no one was close enough to save his mom. Both of his parents are gone now. After we graduated he walked off alone bawling. I don't know why I'm thinking about it right now. It's been at least a year and a half since I've seen him. I went off to a big agency and he quit hero stuff. He works as a small barista, serving lattes and other delicious treats, including my favorite cake pops to ever exist, to everyone. Why did he give up his dream all of a sudden? That damn bastard. Why did he have to quit and make everything harder on everyone else. His quirk is good and what he does is good. Why is he being selfish?!"

An older man huffed, holding a pen and a clipboard with a couple papers clipped onto it. "Katsuki, you can't call people bastards. I'm your therapist and wanna see you improve. Have you been taking your anger meds?"

The crimson red eyed male groaned as he slowly closed his eyes, pinching his nose. in anger he huffed and whipped his head around causing his blonde hair to slightly hide his hurt and anger filled eyes. "Why not?" He scoffed out.

"Why— what?"

"Why can't I call people bastards?"

"Because it doesn't help anything. If you don't like someone don't talk to them. It's easy to igno—"

"It's not that I don't like him! I love him! I was rooting for him behind closed doors! I might've been a dick but if I wasn't he would've never made it out there! He's too sweet! They would eat him up in the hero agency."

"Sometimes we do the wrong things for the right reasons."

The blonde "tch"ed and pulled out his phone after he heard it go off.

It was Deku. How come all of a sudden Deku was calling him?? Without a thought he jumped up and left his therapy session, looking at what was going on.

The One Where Everyone Gets a Good Ending - A MHA Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now