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Everyone was together. They were all sitting at tables, waiting for the ceremony to start.

"So, we graduated. Isn't that cool." Denki says, filling the awkward silence with his words.

Katsuki groaned and nodded softly, rubbing the back of his head.

"It just feels kinda surreal that we came and now we are leaving." Kirishima says.

Uraraka walked over to Katsuki, Kirishima, Mina, and Denki, who were sitting at their own table. "Hey sorry to bug but have any of you seen Deku?"

Mina was doing Kirishima's nails. He wanted red ones to match his graduation outfit. She paused and looked up at Uraraka. "Hi Uravity, haven't seen him sorry sweetheart."

Kirishima looked at Uraraka. "If I see him I'll tell him you're looking." Denki nods in agreement. "Yeah if we see him we'll guide him to you."

Katsuki was silent. Uraraka noticed that. "Something on your mind Bakugou?"

He groaned and looked at her. "What's it to you round face?"

"I know when I'm not wanted." She said and walked off to Tsu, Tenya, Todoroki, Momo, and Jiro. There was another spot at the table where Izuku was supposed to be.

Todoroki looked at Uraraka. "No luck?" She shook her head.

"He has to be somewhere this is an important ceremony!" Tenya said, wailing his arms back and forth.

Momo looked at everyone. "I wonder if he got busy." She suggests.

Jiro grins. "I have an idea. My quirk is sound right? I can look around and use my quirk to see if I find him."

Tsu nods. "That's a good idea. We can come get you when the ceremony is about to start."

Jiro nods and hugs them all before walking off to use her quirk to find Izuku. She was using her quirk and could hear crying. She didn't wanna intrude, instead she turned and saw Katsuki following her.

"What are you doing earphones?" He asked, looking around.

"Izuku is missing-"

"Yeah I get that, I can hear him go back to your group."

Jiro nods and runs back to the group.

Katsuki walked over and saw Izuku, in his graduation attire, crying at a gravestone. Katsuki squinted his eyes and could see "Inko Midoriya" written on it. He felt his heart explode in his chest. He wasn't thinking, he ran straight to Izuku and pulled him into a hug. "I'm sorry Deku- I'm so sorry- come back to the ceremony your friends need to see you."

Izuku nods and with that they both went back to the ceremony.

They both pretended what happened at the Grave didn't happen. It was them and Inko's soul that knew, that's it. No one else was there so it didn't happen.

Even if he hated the thought of it he liked how cuddly Izuku was when they hugged. His Izuku.

And then when things couldn't get worse he woke up from the nightmare of a memory. Trying to calm his panic down he felt something nuzzle him. He looked to see Izuku with his arms wrapped around his waist. Katsuki felt his face flush up and hid the blush in Izuku's neck.

Izuku shuffled softly and opened his eyes to see a sleeping Katsuki on his neck. He panicked and scooted away. Katsuki woke up from the movement and made eye contact with Izuku. Both their faces were deep red. Katsuki made a tiny noise of happiness and nuzzled Izuku's neck. This was odd. After a couple more minutes of cuddling they both fell back to sleep.

The One Where Everyone Gets a Good Ending - A MHA Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now