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The movie was about halfway over when Katsuki looked beside him. Izuku had his head on Katsuki's shoulder. He was sleeping, so peacefully. He did look kinda cold though. Katsuki smiled softly and grabbed the blanket beside him and put it on Izuku. He also wrapped his arms around Izuku and continued watching the movie.

'Tch if people can't see me do this I can do it.' He thinks to himself, knowing no one would believe Izuku if he said Katsuki was a cuddler.

Katsuki wouldn't admit it but he loved affection. It was his way to show love, besides being a huge dick to everyone and everything. Which wasn't very, convincing of loving the thing or person. But the Bakusquad had always known that's how he showed it. He truly loved those guys. He just loved, weirdly. It's how Mina knew he loved Izuku. Damn Mina.

He felt himself losing focus of the movie. Was he seriously this tired. He didn't wanna fall asleep on the couch, especially that there are two people and not just him.

He'll either crush Izuku, get crushed by Izuku, or one of them will be on the floor. He groaned as he turned off the TV and stood up, grabbing his phone. Might as well get ready for bed.

Katsuki took off his shirt and looked at himself in the mirror. He sighed softly. The bruise on his chest was still there but thankfully Izuku never saw it, or didn't mention it. He got it from a fight a couple days before seeing Izuku. He shook his head to erase the thoughts and grabbed his orange toothbrush. He put toothpaste on it and was about to brush his teeth when he got a FaceTime from Mina. Crazy, he was just thinking about her.

He groaned softly and propped his phone upright, showing hm on the screen. He clicked answer and started brushing his teeth.

Mina was in pajamas putting her hair up before going to bed. Mina looked at him and sighed softly. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

Katsuki gasped and almost choked on the toothpaste. he spit it out into the sink and put his toothbrush away. He grabbed a towel and washed his face. "What is there to talk about." He said, he sounded sad at the mention of it.

Mina looked at Katsuki sympathetically. "You should talk to Deku about it." She suggested, grabbing makeup wipes and wiping off her makeup.

Katsuki was fixing his hair before going to bed. He sighed and put his face in his hands. "He's already in enough stress. I don't wanna overwhelm him."

"Katsuki he's your boyfriend you should be able to tell him things."

"It's not that I can't tell him things Mina. It's." Katsuki didn't know what to say or how to word it.

"It's what?"

"It's that I don't need him worried. It's not that big of a deal."

"No it's not a big deal, Katsuki a huge deal. It's a life threatening deal Bakugou."

Katsuki groaned in response. Why was Mina always right.

"Katsuki at some point you're gonna have to tell him. It's getting worse." Mina said, looking at the mark on Katsuki's chest. When he first got it it wasn't too bad but a week or so bad passed and it only started to get worse. More purple and more dangerous appearance wise.

Katsuki scoffed and looked the other way, avoiding eye contact. He knew it was getting worse he just didn't wanna accept that.

"Katsuki you can't keep getting into huge fights like this. Especially alone. I know you're in a big hero agency where you think you can take everything times ten on your own but you can't. You need to tell him."

Katsuki exhales deeply, lost in thought.

"You've changed since highschool. You're more aware of your surroundings and that you're not perfect. But instead of beating yourself up about it, tell someone."

Katsuki sighed and nods softly. "Yeah, I guess I'll tell him. But what if he laughs at me?"

"He won't laugh at you. You're his hero. He's looked up to you since you guys were kids, right? He probably wants you to be safe and ok. The same thing you want for him. Protect each other. You need him just as much as he needs you. He's your person, whether you wanna admit that or not. You've always loved him, haven't you?"

"Always is a long time Mina." Katsuki said, still trying to avoid her eye contact.

"Answer the question." Mina said, in a tone that made Katsuki shiver. She was one of his bestfriends, she deserves to know, right? It's not like she'll post it for everyone to see. It's just them. He can let his walls down.

He was lost in thought, trying to figure out a good way to say it without sounding stupid.

"Yes. I have." Is all he could say.

Mina nods softly. She was about to say something when she got a text. "Sero is texting me to come to bed I gotta go. Goodnight Katsuki. Please make sure to tell him ok? I believe in you." She says as she waves bye and let's him say goodbye before hanging up.

Silence. The sound of his pink friend was gone. And his phone was off again. He sighed as he got completely undressed and took a quick shower. The whole shower he was deep in thought. He was trying to come up with a way to tell Izuku. Mina was right. No matter how many arguments he had with her she was normally always right.

'She's smart.' He thinks to himself, sighing. 'Can't hide shit from her.'

After his shower he got into some shorts and a tank top. He put his other clothes in a laundry bin and left the bathroom.

Izuku was on the couch, awake. They made eye contact. Izuku raised an eyebrow. He probably saw the panic is Katsuki's eyes and face.

Katsuki sat down beside Izuku on the couch and breathed in.

Katsuki tried to think of a way to tell Izuku without panicking him.

"What's wrong?" Izuku asked.

In a panic Katsuki gasped for air and covered his face. He tried to speak but he couldn't form words. No matter what his head told him to say. It was like he forgot how to speak.

"Kacchan?" Izuku asked, gently putting a hand on Katsuki's right shoulder. Izuku didn't know what was about to happen but he could feel the anxiety rise in both of them, especially his blonde haired boyfriend.

"Deku." Is all he could mumble.

Katsuki looked at Izuku and started bawling.

The One Where Everyone Gets a Good Ending - A MHA Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now