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They got home and they both got out of the car and went into the house.

Izuku stretched as he plopped himself onto the couch.

Katsuki went straight to the kitchen. "Do you want anything?"

Izuku looked up at him and slightly shook his head. "Mmm no thanks, thank you though Kacchan."

Katsuki nods and walks over to him. He sits down beside him and sighs softly. "So, how did the meeting with Four eyes and invisible go?"

"Kacchan- their names are Tenya and Hagakure."

"I know. How was the meeting?"

"The meeting was- I gave them the report and they said they'd call me if they find any similar ones."

Katuski nods, "ok that's good."



"And Iida took my hero document and put me into their system as a hero."

Katuski gasped, dropping his phone on the ground, that he just picked up off the table.

Izuku raised a brow at Katsuki. "Is everything ok Kacchan?"

"Y-yeah it's ok." Katsuki says, picking up his phone. "I'm just shocked, I thought you put the hero dream to rest."

"You made me realize people need me. I need to be a hero to help others."

Katsuki wanted to smile but shook it off. "I'm proud of you, for getting back into it. Now we can be heroes together."

Izuku nods and leans into Katsuki. "Thank you for giving me that slap of reality. Without you I wouldn't have thought about being a hero again. But even if my mom isn't here when I'm in the hospital, you are. Which is equally as good. Not the hospital part but you being there-" he started to rant.

Katsuki shut him up by kissing his lips. "Shhhhh Deku- shut up."

Izuku pulled off and bit Katsuki's neck. That caused Katsuki to gasp and moan.

Izuku gasped and pulled off, blushing madly. He accidentally gave Katsuki a hickey. Key word: 'accidentally'

Katsuki was dark red in the face as he touched the love mark Izuku gave him.

He didn't expect Izuku to do that and he was so off balance mentally. He was so lost in thought when Izuku did it again right next to the other one.

Katsuki gasped and hid his face in Izuku's hair. He knew Izuku wouldn't stop, he was analyzing.

'That damn bastard got me. My neck has always been the most sensitive spot on my body.'

After a couple more love marks a heart on Katsuki's left side of his neck could be seen.

Izuku took a picture and showed Katsuki.

Katsuki turned an even darker shade of red and hid his face in his hands. "You damn bastard, you know I'm vulnerable."

Izuku giggled in response and laid in Katsuki's lap. "Eh I actually had no clue, thought I'd get punched after the first one."

"So you were analyzing me! Why would I punch you though?"

"Don't ask me. You would've punched me if I wasn't-"

"If you wasn't what."

"If I wasn't me."


Izuku shook his head. "Nevermind."

Katsuki was so confused. He face palmed and then played with Izuku's hair. Closing his eyes softly.

The One Where Everyone Gets a Good Ending - A MHA Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now