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Katsuki woke up about twenty minutes later. Kirishima and Denki were still asleep, snuggled up together. Sero and Mina were having a full blown concert in the front seats, singing while listening to music. A light smile was on Katsuki's face. He hated to admit it but he did enjoy times with his friends. He'd have to figure out how to say that later. He was about to stretch when he looked down.

Izuku had his whole body snuggled into Katsuki. Katsuki didn't even realize he's been holding Izuku close this whole time. Things people do when they sleep he guesses.

Sero noticed movements in the back seat and titled his head back slightly. He saw a flush red Katsuki and laughed softly. "Hi Bakugou! Glad you woke up! We are about twenty five minutes still away but if you wanna hang and sing with us you're welcome to."

Mina giggled and nodded softly. "No matter how loud you are you can't wake up Kirishima or Denki. They're the heaviest sleepers I know."

Katsuki grinned at the chance of competition. "Ok, sounds fun. Singing competition?" He suggests.

No one could see it but Mina's eyes sparkled with competitiveness. "Oh yeah! That's the Bakugou I know!"

Sero grinned madly. "Yeah hah! Let's do it man! Bring out the music! Time to party!"

They all decided to let Katsuki go first. He was the best after all.

The music turned on and Katsuki closed his eyes, letting his arms release from Izuku, not moving enough to wake him up though. He breathed gently and let himself feel the music, see the colors in the music. He breathed in and out before the words started. And let the music take him on a journey.

If you asked anyone in the car who's heard all of them sing, they'd say Katsuki has the most emotion in his. Like he's a destined artist.

He was getting deep into it, his voice sounded amazing. The high long note was coming and he started doing it, halfway through the note Izuku opened his eyes slowly and looked up.

Katsuki continued to let the music take him, enjoying the beat.

'Wow, Kacchan has an amazing voice.' Izuku thought to himself.

When the song was over Katsuki took a deep breath and grinned. "How was that?"

Sero and Mina nervously laughed. "Yeah there's no chance of winning when you went first. You're so godly at singing. It's like it's,"

Izuku cut Mina and Sero off. "It was nice to wake up too."

Katsuki gasped, looking down to see an awake Izuku. "Oh shit." He mumbled to himself. "Deku I'm so sorry I didn't mean to wake you up! You can sleep again I promise I won't be loud!"

Izuku covered his mouth and giggled. "You're never quiet Kacchan." He said softly and leaned into him. "Don't hide your voice, it's cute." He said softly, nuzzling him.

Katsuki's whole face turned pink, from his chin to the top of his ears, he was almost like Mina's twin.

Sero laughed softly. "Damn Mina, who's your hot twin?" He joked, teasing Katsuki's pinkness in his skin.

Katsuki covered his face and groaned. "Oh fuck off tape dispenser."

"Better than tape ass I guess."

"Eh, you're my tape ass Sero." Mina said, giggling softly as she drove.

Izuku looked at Denki and Kirishima. "When did they get together?" He asked the group.

Sero put a hand on his chin in thought. "I swear one of them called me the day it happened."

Mina smiled softly. "About four months ago."

Katsuki sighed. "It was a Wednesday, about 3:50 in the afternoon. Kirishima called me. He was nervous about asking Denki out but I told him to be a man and do it. So he did while on call with me. It went great and they've been together since."

Izuku raised a brow. "Advice from you?" He tried to hide in a laugh.

"Oh shut up you shitty nerd you called me a week ago to save you from a local thug!!" Katsuki said in defense, covering his face.

Sero gasped. "Wait, what? Midoriya was in trouble? And didn't call any of us?"

Izuku blushed softly. "I automatically thought about Kacchan.. because he, I don't know. I wasn't thinking. I was scrolling and when I saw Kacchan I immediately dialed without thinking. No matter if I have a quirk or not I had been hit by their weapon and was panicking. I needed an escape route and didn't have enough space to make an actual plan. So panicking and calling Kacchan was pretty much my plan."

Katsuki groans. "You went to hero highschool for three years and didn't defend yourself against a thug."

"After my mom died I told myself I couldn't do it. If I got hurt and she wasn't there to help me in the hospital I would be all alone. So I rejected every agency letter. Even the best ones. Like the one allmight worked for. Or Endeavor's. I rejected a bunch of them. I just couldn't be a hero without my mom watching me."

Katsuki bit his lip. He pulled Izuku closer to him. "She's still here Deku. Don't be an idiot. She would never fully leave you. No matter if she died or not. You're her kid, her only kid. I see so much of her personality when I look at you. You're a great kid who had a great mom. She taught you well. She raised a handsome man who needs to realize he's destined to be a hero because I was always rooting for you. You can do such great things, you just have to take the leap and trust what you're falling onto."

Izuku nodded softly. "Thank you, I needed that."

"So are you gonna leave that stupid barista job and join the agency I work at?"

"HEY THAT JOB ISN'T STUPID, I DID IT PART TIME!" Kirishima says, sitting up and almost knocking Denki off him. Denki groans. "I was sleeping asshole." He muttered to Kirishima, but everyone heard it, and planted a kiss on his chin.

Mina laughed softly. "Hey speaking of which, we made it to the cafe, who's ready?"

"Me!!" They all shouted in unison, laughing softly.

The One Where Everyone Gets a Good Ending - A MHA Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now