Phase 3: Sweet Gunpowder Romance

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TW: a bit of fatshaming, unhealthy habits, self hate,  gOre at the end, yada yada, LONG ASS CHAPTER PLS WHAT HAVE I DONE

Please note that Aria is a bit OOC with her current character because below the bold divider it's backstory stuff and Aria was younger and a bit diff then.

It's terrible. There's a vomit bucket over there.


In the cover of darkness, a sleek figure crawled onto the roof of the Gotham City Police Department, their dark hair whipping in the wind. They made sure no soul would see them unless they wanted to be seen.

Slowly, stealthily, the figure made their way over the vents and various pipes, skittered over a concrete barrier and over a fence, and set off the Bat-signal, letting the bright yellow symbol illuminate onto the canvas of heavy grey clouds above.

Now all they had to do was wait.

Twenty minutes passed as they stood next to the signal, the cold wind sending shivers up their spine, yet they held steadfast nonetheless.

Then came the swoop of darkness.

Ah. He's finally here.

"Who are you?" A gruff voice echoed through the rooftop, a menacing, angry, tone that would've made most criminals shit their pants.

But oh no, not them. They had nothing to be afraid of.

Because they knew Batman wouldn't beat the crap out of him, even though they'd literally never met before. They knew that Batman would find him ever so valuable, especially since one little birdie was down, and another had wound up insane.

"How unseemly of you is it to be so tardy?" They spoke, their voice a melody in the darkness.

A batarang dug into the wall just inches from their face, cracking the plaster with the sheer force.

Again came Batman's voice, angrier, louder.

"Who are you?"

They laughed, putting their hands up. "I? I am Gabriel Norami. I know everything."

Suddenly a blur of darkness, and their breath was knocked out as Batman slammed them into the ground.

"I'm not here to play games." Batman growled, seeing red, a thick gloved hand circling around their neck. Nothing but fury in his eyes, nothing but rage and grief and anger.

Oh, so he did find his son's body without a head. How interesting.

They coughed up a bit of blood, but collected themselves once again. "I have information."

"I don't want your fucking information." The hand around their throat tightened even more, nothing but fire behind Batman's eyes.

"Oh, but you do-" They wheezed, the hand tightening more and more. Their lungs ached and they managed to cough out one word that they knew damn well would stop Batman's current rage filled actions.


Instantly the hand was gone from around their neck, rather being used to yank them up by their collar.

Gabriel wheezed for breath, chuckling just a bit at Batman's instant decrease in murder-vibes.

"Do you work for her?"

Whoomp, the murder vibes are goin' up again.

"I wish to take her down, Batsy. You see, your poor little daughter broke my heart. And it seems she's broken yours too. Poor headless Dickie. Didn't deserve that, did he?"

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