Prologue: Barbie and Kelly

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It was late at night when Barbie approached the cabin, lantern in hand. Quietly, she opened the door and looked at the little campers sleeping soundly in their beds. However, one empty bed caught her attention. Curious, she looked out the back door and saw Kelly sitting on the steps. Barbie opened the door, sitting next to her. 

"What's wrong Kelly?" she asked. 

"I can't sleep," Kelly sighed. "The bed's all bumpy."

"I remember my first sleepaway camp," Barbie said. "It takes a day or two to get used to things."

"But I'll never get used to it!" Kelly buried her face in her hands. 

"But you were looking forward to race day tomorrow. You're part of the team," Barbie reasoned. 

"Somebody else can run for me," Kelly shrugged. 

Barbie gently wrapped her arm around the little camper. 

"It wouldn't be the same without you," she said. "We'd all really miss you."

Kelly leaned in closer to Barbie.

"I just want to go home," Kelly said. 

Barbie thought for a minute, trying to think of a way to cheer Kelly up when she saw the stars and got an idea. A story she'd heard many times, one that she could find in the stars. 

"Look over there," she said, pointing to the night sky. "Do you see those two big stars, and the four little ones in a row?"

Kelly squinted at where Barbie was pointing to. 

"Sort of," she muttered. 

"Well," Barbie said. "That's the constellation Cygnus. It's a swan. Imagine the four stars are the long neck, the big stars are the body, and running crosswise, those stars are the wings."

Kelly looked harder at the stars Barbie was referring to, and she could see the outline of a swan in flight. 

"I see it!" she exclaimed, a smile growing on her face. 

"Did you know there was once a girl who turned into a swan?" Barbie asked, starting to move into the story. 

"She did?" Kelly asked, intrigued. "How?"

Barbie didn't say anything as she felt something else enter her head, like the story had changed. 

"And she had seven friends who turned into many different ponies, unicorns, and pegasi," she added. 

"No way!" Kelly gasped. "How did it happen?"

"Well, the swan girl was named Odette," Barbie began. 

"And the other seven?" Kelly asked. 

"They came a little later," Barbie replied, a part of her wondering why these seven new characters were in the story. But, nevertheless, Kelly was interested, and she had to continue.

"Anyways, Odette worked in the family bakery with her sister and her father," Barbie said. 

"But you said she was a swan," Kelly pointed out, and Barbie chuckled a little. 

"Not at first," Barbie said, and continued her story.  

The Barbie Adventure III: Barbie of Swan LakeKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat