The New Plan/Meeting Daniel

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Jewels flew around the room in Rothbart's lair as his daughter, Odile, picked at the jewels in a large chest. 

"Boring!" she whined as she threw handful of rubies over her shoulder, just as Rothbart entered the room. He started pacing, which didn't go unnoticed by Odile. 

"Oh," she said. "I know that look. You're thinking, aren't you daddy?"

"I'm getting that crystal if I have to rip the crown right off her head!" Rothbart growled. 

"Crown?" Odile sat up. "I don't have one of those! Get it for me daddy; I want one!"

"Soon enough, my little starling," Rothbart cooed. 

He reached out his hand to stroke Odile's chin, but she swatted it away. 

"But I don't wanna wait!" she whined. "I'm like, the most out of fashion bird princess in the forest!"

Rothbart rubbed his temples as Odile checked her nails. She had become really naggy lately, only agreeing to do anything for her father should she get something immediately. He knew that there had to be someone else who could help him get the crystal. 

After all, there were those powerful girls who were now ponies...

He gasped, a new plan forming in his head. 

Oh yes...

"Why can't a human just destroy her, daddy?" Odile cut him out of his thoughts. 

Rothbart gasped again. 

"Of course," he said. "We'll get a human to kill her! In fact, we'll just get rid of all of them! After all, not even their precious geodes and crystals can't protect them now that they're part of the forest."

However, he was lying about the seven girls.

Daniel was riding on a horse when the large bird appeared. He started galloping on his horse, following the bird. 

Rothbart flew across the sky, knowing Daniel was after him. He quickly opened the gateway, letting Daniel enter the forest and flew out of sight, waiting for the swan and ponies to come into his view. 

Daniel gasped at the sight of the forest around him. He dismounted his horse and started venturing around the forest. 

"Woah..." he said. 

He turned and saw the bird flying around again and he started running, trying to catch him. 

Meanwhile, Odette and the Equestria Girls, exhausted from searching, were taking a nap. Odette floated along the lake while the ponies laid at the bank. Lila, however, was recounting their journey to the other elves. 

"We searched all day and night and... nothin," Lila said grimly. 

Rothbart saw the sight of the animals all peaceful. He had to get rid of them somehow, force those girls to run into Daniel's view. He swooped down, scaring Odette awake. 

"It's Rothbart!" Lila gasped as he started flying away. In fear, all the elves and the unicorn scattered, and Odette, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy took to the skies.

"Go, go!" Odette cried, and they all started fleeing, unaware that Daniel was watching them. 

He watched in awe at the ponies. How were they in all different colors? And some of them were mythical unicorns and pegasi? How was it possible? 

Then he saw the swan, glimmering white feathers gliding across the sky. 

"What a prize," he said, pulling out his bow and arrows. 

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