The ending

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Rothbart cracked up at the sight of the humans sprawled out in front of him, especially Odette and Daniel. 

"Two for one!" he laughed. "Not a bad deal."

Lila, the elves, and the Fairy Queen all exchanged looks, under the assumption that they had lost. 

"At last!" he proclaimed throughout the forest. "This world is MINE!"

He continued to cackle as the Magic Crystal and the Equestria Girls geodes began to glow. 

"It didn't lose its powers!" Lila gasped. 

"What!?" Rothbart looked down to see pink swirls of light mixing with the colors of the rainbow from the geodes, coating him in light. 

"Haw can this be?" he cried. "No! NO! NOOOOO!"

But the light was too powerful as he disappeared in a cloud of light. Around the forest, life began returning, Rothbart's palace fell, and the elves lost the curse, the signs of their animal selves disappearing. Carlita gently set down the mouse as it started glowing, transforming back into the Fairy Queen. 

And by the humans, they saw a miracle happen. 

Applejack was the first to get up as she started breathing again, watching as her friends got up as well. They were all pretty wobbly, but they were alive as they saw Odette and Daniel helping each other up. 

"I thought we died," Twilight moaned. 

"It's true love!" Carlita gasped. 

"Two for one!" Ivan added. 

The Equestria Girls were still confused as to how they made it, then noticed the Fairy Queen staring at their geodes, the girls having de-transformed when the blast had hit them. 

"I'm gonna be doing a lot of research on these things," Twilight said as the girls started picking themselves up and standing the best they could. 

"Rothbart tricked me," Daniel told Odette. "It's you I love... if you'll have me."

Odette didn't say anything, but the two embraced, knowing they had just won the battle. 

Soon, the wedding of the about-to-be Princess Odette and Prince Daniel was occurring. The elves danced and had fun, and Odette was in a gown similar to the one she had during the final battle, only her hair was pulled up in a bun and she had a new crown carved to look like a swan, a pair of glimmering iridescent swan wings on her back. 

"I still can't believe that we're here," Odette's father said. "Or that you saved the Enchanted Forest."

"A friend once told me that you're braver than you think," Odette replied, giving a smile to Lila. "Turns out, she was right."

"I'm so proud of you," her father said as Daniel tapped her on the shoulder. 

"May I?" he asked, and her father nodded, she and Daniel beginning to dance together. The Fairy Queen's lights brightened Odette's wings as they danced through the afternoon. 

However, one question still remained in the air for the Equestria Girls...

"How do you know about our geodes?" Twilight asked the question they'd all be avoiding. 

The Fairy Queen smiled. 

"Let's just say that's a secret you should wait on," she said, waving her wand and revealing a very familiar apartment. "And now, I think it's time to go."

"Just for the record, Imma need some time to recover," Sunset said, slipping through the portal. 

The Fairy Queen watched as the Equestria Girls went back into their own world. 

She knew for a fact that they had been through the three films. 

And it wasn't the last time they'd meet up with Clara, Rapunzel, or Odette. 

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