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"I guess it doesn't matter that I don't know anything about dancing," Odette said. 

"No," Ivan said. "We can teach you."

He flew into a complicated dance number, throwing his quills everywhere. 

"Someone needs to tell him that he's being a hazard right now," Sunset said as a series of quills nearly impaled her arm. 

"No, no," Carlita shook her head when Ivan finished. "You need some salsa flavor."

She struck a pose, doing a Spanish-inspired dance with the fox elf. 

"Still trying to see the part where Daniel declares his true love," Lila said. 

"Perhaps I can help," the Fairy Queen waved her wand, and her, Odette's, and the Equestria Girls' dresses shortened until they were short enough to dance in. 

"Count me out," Rainbow Dash said, backing against a tree. 

"Your loss," Rarity shrugged as the Fairy Queen did a simple routine, her fairy lights swirling around her. They started circling Odette as she mimicked the moves. The Fairy Queen did a little more, and Odette copied. Soon, they were dancing in sync, the elves behind them doing the same thing. 

"Seems fun," Pinkie said, relying on her memory of watching the movie over and over again when she was little as she joined in. 

Soon, it was pretty much just Lila and Rainbow Dash who weren't dancing. Lila... because she was a unicorn. Rainbow Dash... kinda just stood there, watching them like she was interested. 

"You coming or what?" Sunset asked. 

"I... uh... wanna sit this one out," Rainbow Dash said. 

Sunset scrunched her face in confusion. What was up with the girl?

However, they couldn't imagine what was to come next as a large bird swooped down and picked up Erasmus, while he was still holding the book. 

"Erasmus!" Odette cried. 

The Fairy Queen brandished her wand, ready to cast a spell, but the glow she had flickered away and she collapsed to the ground. 

That's when the second bird flew down to the Equestria Girls... 

And it grabbed Rarity and flew away!

"No!" Twilight said. She tried to pony up, but fell to the ground, now a unicorn. 

"Come on," Odette said, having turned back into a swan. "We can't let Rothbart win! We just can't!"

Since the bird who had taken Rarity had taken her a good while after Erasmus, she didn't arrive at Rothbart's lair until Erasmus was hung upside down, tangled in vines as Rothbart flipped through the Book of Forest Lore. The bird dropped her down on the ground, transforming into Odile. 

"Why'd I have to get the girl, daddy?" Odile huffed. 

Rothbart rolled his eyes and kept reading the page about the Magic Crystal as Rarity peeled herself from the floor. 

"Looks like the crystal isn't as powerful as we thought," Rothbart said, turning to Rarity. 

"And I've been watching you," he said. "I remember you saying you would gladly play Odile."

"Wha--what?" Rarity took a step back.

"I know Odette and your friends are planning on going to the ball," he said. "And I remember watching you dance with everyone. You certainly were the most graceful."

Rarity didn't say anything, still wondering how she wasn't a unicorn yet.

"Oh, you're wondering about your horse form," Rothbart smirked. "Well, for the sake of the plan, we couldn't use you as a unicorn, now can't we?"

Rarity still didn't say anything. 

"Odile, my little sparrow?" he turned to his daughter. "I know how you can get your crown now. And she's going to help me."

Rarity backed away in fear, but she was too afraid to disobey. Rothbart touched the tip of his ring to Odile's green jeweled necklace, and it turned red. 

"Daddy!" she whined as he took it off her neck. "That's my third favorite necklace!"

He turned to Rarity. 

"It's magic now," he explained, walking closer to her as he told her the plan. "Every time the prince looks at you, he'll see his precious Odette and won't be able to tell a difference."

He clasped the necklace onto Rarity. 

"So you can trick him into declaring his love for you," Rothbart grinned evilly. "Can you do that?"

"But why can't I?" Odile whined. 

"Yes," Rarity said, hoping Rothbart would listen. "I mean, I'm not good at impersonating people as well as she... could..."

Rothbart said nothing. 

"You will be doing the work," he hissed at her. "Or I'll gladly kill you myself."

He looked at both girls as he explained the rest of the plan. 

"Once the prince swears his love, the powers of the crystal will be lost, and I will become the sole ruler of the Enchanted Forest!"

"And I'll be the most stylish one in it!" Odile let out a shrill laugh, and Rarity rolled her eyes. 

"You know lies don't work out, right?" she muttered. 

"No," Erasmus struggled harder against his binds. "It'll never work."

"Says a troll who's about to be eaten," Rothbart send a blast at Erasmus, and Rarity shielded her eyes from the carnage, afraid of what she was about to do. 

She was about to betray her friends and destroy Odette in the process. 

And she was about to help Rothbart win. 

And she didn't have a choice. 

The red necklace glowed brighter than her geode, signaling the truth as well. 

The Barbie Adventure III: Barbie of Swan LakeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang