Love in the Air

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"Thank you..." Daniel said. "For saving me."

"As long as I wear the crystal I'm protected," Odette said. 

"Same with our geodes," Twilight added. "It's weird."

"We're just glad you're okay," Fluttershy said. 

No one said anything for a while. 

"Would you like to see Swan Lake?" Odette asked.

Rainbow Dash started to follow the couple when Sunset stopped her. 

"I kinda think we should let them do this one on their own," she said. 

"Come on," Carlita whispered to the Equestria Girls. "I've got an idea."

"Let's hope it's not smelly," Pinkie said as they followed Carlita.

Meanwhile, Odette and Daniel were having a pleasant stroll along the edge of the lake, and they were surprised to see a makeshift table and a meal in front of them. Hidden behind mushrooms, Ivan, Carlita, and the Equestria Girls all watched as an elf handed Odette a bouquet of flowers, some of the Fairy Queen's lights swirling around her and transforming her dress into an elegant pink gown. The two sat together and ate while conversing, and found themselves dancing next to the lake afterwards. They had so much fun that they didn't notice the sun rising. 

However, everyone watching noticed the east growing lighter. 

"Odette," Daniel said. "Tomorrow night my mother is throwing a royal ball. Will you come with me?"

Rainbow Dash and Sunset started fangirling. 

"Shipping fuel!" they whisper-cheered. 

"I... I don't know what to say," Odette said. "I mean, could my friends come?"

She turned to the Equestria Girls, temporarily ignoring Twilight, who was frantically pointing at the sun rising. 

"Sure," Daniel said. "Anything for you."

Odette finally whipped her head across and saw the situation. 

"It's nearly dawn," she observed. 

"Come with me," Daniel said to Odette and the Equestria Girls. "I can protect you; all of you at my castle! You can bring your families, please!"

Odette stared at the elves. 

"Does he know our families are currently in another dimension?" Pinkie whispered to her friends, being careful to avoid Sunset, who didn't have family at all, considering they were all ponies in another world. 

"Daniel, I can't," Odette said. "I don't know why, but I'm somehow connected to the crystal. I need to stay here to help everyone! I need to break the spell."

"I won't let Rothbart get away with this!" Daniel argued. "I'll come back with an army!"

"You can't; he's too powerful," Odette pressed. "He'll do to you what he's done to us."

"I'll take that risk," Daniel proclaimed. 

"And your men?" Odette pointed out.

Daniel stared at his feet, unsure of how to answer.

"Go home," Odette pleaded. "I couldn't stand if Rothbart hurt you to get at me and my friends."

"And leave you girls here?" Daniel asked. 

"Do you really want to help me?" Odette said, and Daniel nodded. 

"Of course!" he exclaimed. 

"Then find my family," Odette instructed. "Tell them I'm alright and that I'll be home soon. They're worried sick; I can feel it."

"But--" Daniel began.

"Please, Daniel," Odette interrupted. "For me? I'm safe as long as I have the crystal."

They could feel the light hitting the elves and the Equestria Girls, and Daniel and Odette watched as they transformed. 

"No..." Daniel turned to Odette as light surrounded her, bringing her into her swan form. 

"Please," Odette begged. "You must go."

"I'll go..." Daniel agreed. "But only if you and your friends promise to come to the castle."

"You could've saved an entire conversation had you just said castle," Rarity butted in, and Applejack covered her mouth with her hoof. 

"But--" Odette said. 

"Then I stay here with you," Daniel folded his arms. 

"No, we'll come," Sunset said, giving Odette a look. 

"Yes," Odette finally agreed. "We'll be there tomorrow night."

"We promise," Applejack said. 

"Pinkie promise?" Pinkie trotted up to Daniel. "You know, Pinkie promises can't be broken."

"Uh, sure," Daniel said, and he and Pinkie shook hands. Well, hand-hoof thing. 

Odette slid into the water, giving the prince a last glace as he left the forest. 

"Our one chance," Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "Ruined!"

"I just wanted to protect him," Odette said, watching one of her tears fall into the lake. 

Daniel finally found the bakery, pounding on the door as hard as he could since no one was answering. 

"They're gone, Your Highness," a passing villager said. 

"When will they be back?" Daniel asked.

"Hard to say," the villager shrugged. "They're looking for their youngest daughter and her friends. They've gone missing!"

"Well, when the baker returns, I'd be much obliged if you would tell him to come and see me right away," Daniel said, mounting his horse. 

"Of course," the villager said as Daniel rode off. 

Erasmus finally picked up the Book of Forest Lore. 

"I found it!" he exclaimed. "I found it!"

He ran out of the vault, running through the forest, screaming these words, unaware of a mushroom turned raven. 

The raven had heard and seen enough. 

Enough to know that Erasmus had the book and would learn how to defeat Rothbart. 

Enough to know that there was someone else who could take Odile's place. 

Even said she'd do it than be covered in dust. 

"Interesting," Rothbart said when the raven came back. "The girl with curly violet hair and sapphire eyes? That one, you say?"

The raven cawed. 

"Then we don't have much time," he said. "We'll be coming soon to pick up this Rarity."

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