It's not going well, is it?

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Carlita, Ivan, Lila, Odette, the Fairy Queen, and the Equestria Girls (minus Rarity) all looked on at Rothbart's lair. 

"I can't believe they took Erasmus and Rarity like that," Fluttershy pouted. 

"What are they even gonna do to them?" Carlita asked. 

"I know what happens to Erasmus, but to Rarity, I have no idea," Pinkie shrugged the best she could in her pony form. 

"Are they even..." Ivan gasped. 

The Fairy Queen squinted her eyes in concentration. 

"Still alive," she informed. "Erasmus is under a spell, and Rarity... she's still human; I don't know what Rothbart's gonna do to her."

"We have to get them out," Odette said. "Rothbart flies everywhere he goes... so I'm guessing that's the way in. Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, I'm gonna need your help getting your friend. I'll get Erasmus."

"And we just stand here and watch?" Applejack asked. 

"I've got an idea for that," Odette said. 

Soon, the swan and pegasi were flying to the lair. Almost immediately, three ravens started chasing them as Fluttershy secretly slid into the lair, noticing that Rarity was missing and Erasmus was... well... a worm. 

"Fluttershy, is that you?" the Erasmus worm asked. 

"Yes," Fluttershy whispered. 

"Rothbart did this," Erasmus explained. "And he took Rarity, saying that he's gonna use her to trick the prince into declaring his true love to her and not Odette!"

Fluttershy gasped as Erasmus kept talking. 

"He enchanted one of Odile's necklaces and made Rarity wear it, and now every time the prince will look at her, he'll see Odette," Erasmus explained as Odette and Rainbow Dash flew in.

"We got them for now," Rainbow Dash said. "Woah, when did the worm come in?"

Erasmus explained Rothbart's plan. 

"No..." Odette said. "We have to warn the rest."

"First, we gotta get out of here," Erasmus said. "The ravens are getting hungry!" 

Odette picked up the worm with her mouth. 

"No ideas!" Erasmus complained. 

"Ready?" Rainbow Dash asked, and Odette and Fluttershy nodded. The swan and pegasi flew out of the lair, aware that they were being chased again. 

"Now!" Carlita said as the ravens flew towards the group. Ivan speared one of the ravens against a tree, and a second raven was taken out by Carlita. 

The third raven appeared to have the best luck as it cornered Applejack and Lila, who started galloping away. 

"Now," Applejack told Lila, who speared the raven with her horn. 

"We are good," Lila said.

Daniel kept pacing back and forth as the ball got into full swing. Neither Odette nor the Equestria Girls had shown up, and it was worrying him. 

"Daniel," the queen said. "The ball is beginning."

"I know," he replied. "I'm just waiting for someone."

"A future bride, I hope," she smiled. 

"I guess so," Daniel said, laughing. 

"Well, that's wonderful," the queen said. "I want you to introduce me to her as soon as she arrives."

The Barbie Adventure III: Barbie of Swan LakeWhere stories live. Discover now