The Chosen One

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Odette and the Equestria Girls kept running through the forest, following the unicorn the best they could (with Sunset still making the occasional joke about the unicorn being Twilight's double and having bruises on her arms from Twilight). Occasionally, the unicorn would get the rope caught on a branch or log or something, and the eight of them had to hide so they weren't spotted. 

Eventually, the unicorn crossed a wooden bridge forged from a fallen tree trunk, going out of sight again, leaving the girls to come out of hiding. 

"Are you sure we should be crossing this?" Fluttershy peeped. 

"I'm not sure, either," Odette pursed her lips together. 

"Was Fluttershy casted for Odette for this thing?" Rainbow Dash whispered to Sunset. 

"Apparently Twilight was too," Sunset whispered back, and they both started snickering, and Twilight gave them a nasty look, forcing them to hush. 

"Well, we gotta cross," Pinkie said. "It's in the script."

She started skipping across the trunk, water splashing down on the wood and her shoes. 

"Be careful!" Applejack said, carefully making her way across the trunk.

"Ugh, why do they make us do this?" Rarity groaned, holding out a crystal shield to prevent herself from getting wet. 

"I guess it's safe," Odette said, taking a couple steps in and nearly slipping into the roaring river below. 

"Woah!" she said, regaining her balance. 

"And you said it was safe," Rainbow Dash said, already on the other side, having ponied up. 

"Show-off," Sunset muttered. 

"Come on, Fluttershy!" Twilight said. "It's okay!"

"But... but..." Fluttershy stammered. "What if I fall?"

"You won't fall," Twilight held out her hand as everyone finished crossing. "I've got you."

"Oh, um... okay," Fluttershy nervously held out her own hand, and their hands locked together. 

"That's it," Twilight said as they started slowly crossing the trunk. "You've got this."

Fluttershy kept her eyes shut as they continued going along the length of the wood, water running down both girls' hair and clothes. 

"We're almost there," Twilight said, turning her head to see the other side. "Just a little--GAH!"

Her shoe got caught on a knot in the wood and she tripped to the side, clinging onto a branch for dear life. Fluttershy froze as water kept rushing down on them. 

"Someone help me!" Twilight wailed, her hand slipping off the branch. "I can't... hold on... much longer!"

"Grab my hand!" Fluttershy said, reaching out her arm. "I've got you!"

Twilight wasn't fully sure, but she was desperate at this point, so she grabbed Fluttershy's hand, nearly pulling her down with her. 

"Hold on!" Odette said, rushing over and holding Fluttershy back. 

"I've got this," Applejack said, heaving the three girls up with her strength. The four soaked girls all breathed heavily as they sat on the trunk. 

"Thanks for that," Twilight said, pushing her glasses up her nose. "And I'm glad these didn't fall."

"Otherwise you wouldn't be able to help," Applejack grinned. 

"Guys!" Rainbow Dash called out. "The unicorn just opened up some barrier and disappeared again, so we have to hurry! Everyone hold on tight!"

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