My People

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Someone told me that a certain prominent man in Hometown had been accused of killing his wife.

I thought, "when did Alec become prominent?"

But apparently, he was. That thing about him possibly killing his wife made sense, although I didn't know her.

The woman he was married to at the time she died is not the wife I remember. She wasn't the first or even the second. The next woman was one that gave him a run for his money, I expect.

She was my people. Not by blood or marriage, but it just worked out that way. Rodeo people.

She's the one that drove the horses that took my favourite ancestor to the cemetery on his appointed day. He had chosen her to be our people.

She was a wreck that day. She could barely do it. Her brother sat beside her in the wagon.

A man lies six feed under since then.

A woman lies six feet under since Alec fell from prominence.

A man and a woman took each what they needed after that.

We are all each others' people.

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