The Priest and Cantor

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Everyone I know
Knows someone like this
The service lasts two hours
With a priest and a cantor
Going steady the whole time
And nobody asks a question
The Vatican wouldn't like the answer to
And though I fear no man
And though my God assures me
I fear to say what's on my mind.


Those two old men,
The priest and cantor
Both feel the same as us
About how people should be treated
And they both know

That dignity belongs to everyone
And we are blasphemous
If we withhold it.


The friend we lost and laid to rest
Is buried here out on the northern prairie
And his blood seeps through the ground
Out from his grave
Where we left him, clawing up
For one more game at one more rink on one more night
And one more round of beers when our time's up.

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