Ninety More

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Men of real integrity don't have bucket lists.

Because they are already doing what they really want to do.

Or so the story goes.

Like that time when Jake got diagnosed with a brain tumor and he took his wife and 2 kids out west so he could go to Bible School.

Because there wasn't much time.

That's no bucket list. That's just doing what ought be done while you can.

And James, I know you thought about it. I know you wanted to do a lot of things but you chose the one thing that was best.

After all, don't we all just want a little more of the good things? A little more of what each of us built our life for? A little more of the thing that actually thrilled us our whole life?

I missed you since before you actually left this world. But I don't blame you one bit. Maybe ninety more days with the wife and kids is all any man should want.

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