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It has been 278 years since every single sorceress was eradicated.
Or that is what the king and all of his predecessors thought.
In a jungle not too far from the kingdom of Recktonia, there was a woman. She lived in the center of the jungle where no one from Recktonia ever dared to go.
Sadly, Ramona was dying. She had hidden in this jungle for the past 278 years and her body has started to get too weak to contain the power within her. She was lying in bed when suddenly she saw something move in the corner of her eye. She sat up in the bed and looked down on the ground and saw a small black snake slithering at the edge of her bed. She gently picked up the snake and it wrapped around her hand.
"You are about to become the most powerful being in the world."
The sorceress put her finger to the snake's forehead and the snake began to glow a bright gold. She put the snake down on the ground again and the snake began to grow.
After the light finished shining almost as bright as the sun, a girl about 10 years old was sitting on the ground where the snake used to be.
She had large curly hair and dark brown skin.
Her eyes were a dark mahogany with almost a glint of yellow. The sorceress looked down at the girl and smiled lightly. She grabbed the girl by her wrist and formed a ball of black smoke in her own hand. She pressed her palm to the girl's causing a wind to gust through the room.
"I have now transferred all of my power to you. Along with the ability for you to keep your serpent form. "
Ramona put some clothes on the girl and held her hand as they walked through the jungle.
Ramona knew she didn't have long to live and that she had no choice but to let the girl live where she would be safe.
Once they made it out of the jungle, Ramona lifted up the girl, who she decided to name Lucy, and whispered an incantation in her ear. In the blink of an eye the two were inside of the kingdom of Recktonia. They stood in front of a building that read Ms. Cupid's Boarding School for Girls.
Ramona explained to Lucy that this where she will be going to school and living. Ms. Cupid just so happened to owe Ramona a favor from around 50 years ago. Luckily, Ramona has been saving the favor specifically for this moment.
Ramona knocked on the door and a tall slender woman opened the door with a harsh look on her face. As soon as she saw and recognised who was at the door, her face went pale, even with her dark skin.
"Why are you here?"
Ramona looked at her then looked down at Lucy.
Ms. Cupid looked down at Lucy and when she looked back up Ramona was gone. She brought Lucy inside to meet the other girls who were peaking behind a wall watching Lucy. Some watched her with innocent curiosity and some watched her as if she was a threat.
Ms. Cupid showed Lucy to her new room. There were three other beds in there. As Lucy looked around the room, three girls walked in excitedly. They welcomed her and surrounded her with hugs. They introduced themselves as Skye, Gracie, and Johanna.
Ms. Cupid told them to show her around and get her acquainted with everyone and everything. The first night in the school went well for Lucy. She got along with almost all of the girls and felt very welcomed and included with her new roommates. Lucy didn't talk much and the girls didn't mind. They lent her clothes and helped her with her hair even if they had no idea what they were doing.
*one year later*
Over the course of this past year, Lucy has kept close to her roommates and has only made one enemy. Her name was Violet and ever since Lucy arrived her sole focus was to get rid of her. Lucy never did anything to her, Violet just didn't like that she was getting all of the attention.
One day, all the girls in grade 5 were in class and Violet walked up behind Lucy while their teacher wasn't looking and pulled her hair so hard she fell out her chair.
As Violet went to grab Lucy again, Lucy's eyes started to glow the same bright gold from one year ago. Violet jumped back in shock as she watched Lucy transform. Within seconds the bottom half of Lucy's body was the same as the bottom half of a large black snake.
The contour of her forehead was covered in black scales. Her eyes continued to glow gold while she wrapped her tail around Violet's body and lifted her from the ground. Their teacher ran all of the other girls out of the class.
It wasn't until now that Lucy was hearing the screams of the other girls in the class. At the same time Lucy dropped Violet and returned to her original form, Ms. Cupid ran into the room in a panic. All she saw was Violet on the floor in shock and Lucy standing in front of her. The two girls stood in silence and looked at Ms. Cupid while they waited for her to make a move. She stomped towards Lucy and Violet and grabbed them both by one arm. She walked quickly to her office even though she had no idea what she was going to do once she got there. She nudged the two girls into her office and told them to sit.
She sighed before asking them what happened.
"I want her gone."
Violet abruptly stood up and pointed to Lucy.
Lucy's eyes begged Ms. Cupid not to get rid of her. Ms. Cupid asked Violet what Lucy had done to her over the past year.
That was her response, and after what just happened Violet was even more adamant to get rid of Lucy.
Lucy calmly told her side of the story surprisingly without any interruptions from Violet. Ms. Cupid could not think of anything to do in this very unique situation. She explained to Violet that the world does not revolve around her and just because she does not like someone does not mean she can get rid of them.
When Lucy got dropped off by the sorceress a year ago she knew it was for a reason. She just didn't think that the child was half snake. There was no instruction manual for raising girls much less magical ones. She sent both of the girls out of her office telling them to avoid each other at all costs. She had no experience with magic and the only thing she could think of to do was to find a way for Lucy to learn her powers and control them. Suddenly, it came to her.
The next day arrived and Ms. Cupid told the girls to get ready after breakfast to go to the library. Out of excitement, the girls ate their breakfast and got dressed quickly. The library was not too far so the group got there pretty fast.
Ms. Cupid told the girls to meet back in the front of the library in an hour.
While the girls split off into their groups, she took Lucy to the section of the library where no one really cared to go.
This section held all the books from the time period when the sorceresses were still alive. She grabbed a few books she thought would be helpful.
They sat at a table and Lucy looked at her and asked why she was doing this.
Ms. Cupid explained that she couldn't have her killing off her students every time she got upset.
As they were reading through the books, Ms. Cupid came upon a page that seemed to explain how to mute or pause the power of a sorceress.
At the same time Lucy found a whole book on how to amplify her powers. Unknowning of what the other was doing, they each borrowed their respective books and met the rest of the girls at the meeting point.
The group went back to the school and they all went to their rooms to read their books. Lucy was the last to go to sleep that night because she was learning so much from that one book. Just from her sitting in bed she was able to conjure up a light in the palm of her hand and used it to read under the covers. The more Lucy read she started to realise that she didn't need to be there.
While Lucy was plotting to leave the boarding school, Ms. Cupid was making her own plans. Her book was just as informative but also the complete opposite of Lucy's. Where Lucy's was written for sorceresses by sorceresses, Ms. Cupid's was written by humans for humans. Unfortunately, Ms. Cupid didn't realise that the book was written by humans who were against the existence of sorcery in general. She also only focused on the part of the book that spoke about muting Lucy's powers. Once she wrote down the information she needed, she left the book on her nightstand.
The next day, at the same time Lucy was pretending to be sick so her roommates would leave her alone, Ms. Cupid went to the store to get the
ingredients that she would need.
As soon as Violet saw Ms. Cupid leave her bedroom she snuck in looked around. She saw the book on the nightstand and grabbed it. She quickly walked back to her room hoping that no one saw her.
She looked at the table of contents and saw that the last chapter said "how to kill a sorceress" and it was written in red.
Violet smiled menacingly as she wrote down the
instructions. When she finished, she went and put the book back where she found it.
On her way back from the room she noticed a figure
walking down another hallway.
She walked in the direction
of the figure towards the door. As she watched the figure walking outside, she realised
it was Lucy. Just as she was about to turn and run to report
what she is seeing, she looked back at Lucy to see her poof away into a black and gold smoke.
She growled in frustration and stomped back inside to find a teacher.
Meanwhile, Lucy had found herself in the courtyard of the palace. She looked around and didn't see anyone. She turned herself into her small snake form and slithered around the courtyard. She wasn't sure how
these people felt about snakes so she made sure to stay as hidden as she could. She could still use her magic in this form so she wasn't really scared if anything happened. As she was slithering around, she found her way to the throne room where the king, queen, and princess were. As she was slithering along
the wall trying to stay in the shadows, she looked over and made eye contact with the princess. She panicked for a split second not knowing what would happen next.
"Daddy! A snake!" The princess said in excitement as she got off of her throne and shuffled towards Lucy. She was the same age as Lucy.
Lucy curled around the princess's hand as she picked her up.
She lifted her head to look the princess in her eyes. The princess smiled and walked back to her throne.
"Rosanna, what is your facisnation with animals?"
Rosanna started to go on a tanget about how cute animals are while Lucy just slithered to sit on the head rest of the throne. The royals were in the throne room listening to the citizens' reports of what is happening in their respective areas.
After they were done the princess and Lucy were escorted to the princess's quarters.
Rosanna put Lucy on her bed while her servants helped her get ready to go to sleep.
Once they left the room, Lucy immediately felt a weird presence on the balcony of the room.
She hissed to alert Rosanna, who was just crawling into bed. Rosanna looked at Lucy and asked her
what was wrong. Lucy wasn't ready to reveal herself yet so she just spoke to Rosanna in her head. She told her that someone was here and that she needed to go hide in the bathroom. As soon as Rosanna was getting
off of the bed, there was a thud that startled both of the girls. When they looked towards the balcony, there was a very large man standing there. Lucy was only sensing a very dangerous aura coming from him. As she read his mind, she found out that he was here to kill Rosanna. As soon as he thought that she transformed into a very large snake and quickly ate him. Before Rosanna could even process what had just happened, Lucy was already back on the bed in her small snake form.
"So you're a magical snake." Rosanna stated as she got back into bed. Lucy had already become attached to Rosanna even in this short time.
*five years later*
It has been five years since Lucy ran away from the boarding school and found herself living as a snake in the royal palace. Both girls are now fifteen years old and Rosanna is beginning to go through more and more preparation for becoming the heir to the throne.
As Rosanna grew so did Lucy's snake form, and at this point in time Lucy was about five feet long and very thick. Her scales are still black with highlights of gold.
Since the night of the attempted assassination, the
palace has hired a lot more security, especially since they have no idea who was behind it.
At this moment, Rosanna was doing her studies with her tutor while Lucy was asleep on her desk. The three of them had only been in the library for about an hour when they heard a loud boom in the front of the palace.
They heard shouting and the stomping of feet in the distance. Lucy enchanted the door so that only people with good intentions would be able to get in the library.
A guard rushed in and told the princess that she needed to meet her parents in the safe room immediately.
He didn't say what exactly was happening, he just escorted the three ladies to back of the library and pulled down a book that opened a door leading to
a staircase that went downward. They walked down for a really long time before they finally reached a room. The king and queen were sitting there looking slightly nervous.
Rosanna asked her parents what was happening and they explained that the former king stripped a knight of his title and he is now coming back for revenge.
While the royals and their guards sat in anticipation, the former knight was in disguise as a guard and on his way to the safe room.
Just as they all started to calm down there was a loud thump at the door. Lucy had just realised that she forgot to enchant the door. Suddenly, the door bursted
open and what looked like a knight walked in. The guards all stood in attack position while the "knight" took off his helmet.
He was a large man with pale skin and a scar that went from the top of his forehead to the start of his collarbone.
"Nigel! Why are you doing this?" The queen asked as she held Rosanna to her chest. Nigel explained that since the king's father stripped him of the most important thing to him, he will do the same.
Before he could even think to take a step forward the guards lunged at him. However, his eyes started glowing a bright red and he easily slashed all of the guards down. He looked directly at Rosanna and Lucy immediately froze him. Or at least she tried.
She had no idea what was happening but it was almost as if he was fighting off her magic. Without thinking, she immediately transformed into her half woman half snake form knowing that this is when she is at her most powerful. The queen screamed while Rosanna and the king gasped in surprise.
Nigel looked shocked for a split second, but composed himself. The two stood there staring into each other's
glowing eyes trying to figure each other out. For some reason Lucy could not read his mind.
Finally, Nigel lunged at Lucy and she swiped her tail and knocked him into the wall. He grunted but got back up. To keep everyone else safe, she grabbed him quickly and teleported them both to the outer walls of the palace.
Lucy knew she was more powerful than him, but since this was her first real fight she wanted to see what she would learn.
Nigel started to get annoyed and tried to stab Lucy's body, but instead ended up shattering his sword against her body.
He grunted in frustration.
Meanwhile, Lucy was starting to get bored. She knew she needed him alive so she just shrunk him down into a lizard and put him in a glass bottle. She teleported them back to the safe room and told the king and queen what was happening.
As she was explaining, the two of them still looked at her with fear and confusion even if she was in her human form. Rosanna just looked at her happily with a mixture of curiosity.
After Lucy finished explaining, before the king or queen could say anything, Rosanna ran up to Lucy and gave her a big hug and thanked her for saving her life twice now.
As the king was about to question when the first time was, Rosanna declared that they would be holding a dinner banquet in Lucy's honour.
* five years later *
The king and queen have learned to trust Lucy more and she is now the only one in charge of protecting Rosanna.
At this point in time, the royal family was holding a ball to find a suitor for Rosanna. Little did the king and queen know, Rosanna had her heart saved for someone else.
Rosanna was sitting on her throne as Lucy sat wrapped around her neck. No one outside of the palace knew Lucy's secret. Rosanna a took a sip of her wine as she watched a man who looked forty years her senior walk up to her. He tried to step closer but Lucy hissed a warning at him. He hesitated and took a step back.
He kneeled in front of Rosanna and asked to dance with her. Rosanna posted a fake smile on her face and accepted. She gently moved Lucy from around her neck and rested her on the seat. She grabbed the mans hand as he introduced himself as the Duke of Salvantil. Lucy watched them closely as they blended into the crowd on the dance floor.  
Although neither of them know it, both of their feelings were reciprocated. This would make sense that these feelings would form because they have spent every day together for the past ten years.
As Lucy sat and thought about her years together with Rosanna, the Duke that Rosanna was dancing with suddenly announced to the whole ball that the princess had chosen her suitor. Everyone applauded while the king and queen walked over to their daughter to find out who the lucky man was. Rosanna looked at Lucy with sad eyes while people surrounded her and the duke with congratulations. Lucy quickly
slithered over causing people to jump in surprise as she touched their feet. She got to Rosanna and wrapped around her body with her head resting on Rosanna's shoulder.
"That snake will have to go." The duke leaned over and whispered in Rosanna's ear.
"The snake stays," Rosanna responded sternly making Lucy smile internally.
Lucy offered to kill the duke in Rosanna's mind but to her surprise, Rosanna declined.
From this day forward, to the duke's dismay, Lucy never left Rosanna's side. Even on the day of the wedding Lucy was a part of Rosanna's dress. For months, Rosanna did not tell Lucy why she all of a sudden decided to marry this old duke.
It was the morning of Rosanna's birthday and the duke barged into her room unannounced and tried to force himself on Rosanna, saying that she was getting old and there was no time to waste. This was the last straw for Lucy and before he could even touch Rosanna, she stopped his heart killing him instantly. Rosanna screamed
in distress confusing Lucy even more. Rosanna just sat there crying when suddenly a guard ran in and announced both the king and queen dead. Lucy transformed into her human form and hugged Rosanna, finally understanding that the duke was blackmailing her with magic. Lucy told Rosanna that everything would be okay and teleported them to the master bedroom where the king and queen both laid lifeless. Rosanna cried harder not even realising that Lucy had walked over to the bed and whispered her parents back to life. The king and queen got up and quickly consoled Rosanna while Lucy watched and smiled knowing that she would do anything to keep Rosanna happy.
I am going to try and update consistently but this story alone took me a month 😭😭😭. I'm going to try and start the next story since I already have it in my head. So yeah.

Chaotic Good: An Anthology of My ImaginationWhere stories live. Discover now