Songs of Power P.5

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Once they made it to the facility, she put her appearance back to normal and asked Taylor not to talk about it. Just as a small test to see how much she can trust him. They walk through the front door of the facilities and the tall dark lady is there waiting for them. Melody asks her if they could go somewhere to talk privately. They go into the woman's office and sit down. They sit in silence for a couple of minutes before Melody straight-up asks if the woman had her parents killed so that she would have full access to Melody's power. To her surprise, the woman answered that she was just following orders from the people above her. They sit in silence a little longer until suddenly the woman starts to feel very hot. She looks at Melody in shock and terror as Melody just looks blankly back at her. She asks the woman if she was feeling alright and the woman starts fanning herself with a piece of paper. Melody states that it might be the menopause before just plainly setting the woman herself on fire. She watched as the woman burned and screamed. It wasn't until the woman's body turned to ashes in the office chair that she heard the thundering footsteps. She changed her appearance to resemble the woman and dusted off her ashes before sitting in the chair. Security comes in the room frantically pointing guns everywhere. Melody tells them, pretending to be the woman, that she was still in the room invisible and they aren't allowed to leave the room until they find her. She starts walking out and immediately starts fires in front of the door and windows, blocking them in there. She walks down the hallway turning herself invisible. She sees the rest of the security running down the hallway responding to the screams of their comrades. She runs and looks for the rest of the children in the facility. Once she finds them she explains what's happening and has them all hold hands turning invisible and follow her quickly out of the building. Before they walk out of the door they go to the safe and take all of the money out since now they need to take care of themselves. Once they're outside she looks back and sets the whole place up in flames, not really caring who makes it out alive and who doesn't. The now rogue children with their different abilities managed to snag about 5 million dollars in cash. This more than enough to put them all through school and let them have a house for themselves. With Taylor and Melody in charge of holding down the fort, they knew that they would all be okay.

*Five Years Later*

All five children are practically adults now with the youngest just entering college and the three oldest already just about done. They were all able to get legal documentation and fun jobs for them to do while they live their normal lives. They look out for each other and still maintain training so that they can be ready for any type of emergency situation. Hopefully, they won't have to deal with any emergency situations. Weirdly enough, the military was very quiet even Melody burnt down their whole secret facility and stole millions of dollars from them. One night the group is sitting at the dinner table discussing their respective days when suddenly there was a knock on the door. None expecting company all look at each other and just ignore whoever is at the door. Suddenly, the door flies off of the hinges and they all stand watching as a man walks through the frame.

Short Story is written and edited by Olivia Poleon

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Author's Note: Well this is the end of Songs of Power, I hope you guys liked it. I'm not sure when I'll post the next story because I don't even know what it is, sooooo I'll just talk to yall when it's posted lol. 

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